Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #161C on image #1361938

Background Pony #161C
"[@Evil Emperor Proteus":](/1361938#comment_5913070
The intention is basically to make believe that goku is the villain due to the inpulsive and confident that is despite the fact that he has no bad intention this will be later used by others to get what they want
I think the arc started very well the new opening is great, opponents have a variety of deadly and different techniques, greater participation of gohan characters gohan, buu and piccolo etc.

No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #161C
Background Pony #161C
"@Evil Emperor Proteus":/1361938#comment_5913070
The intention is basically to make believe that goku is the villain due to the inpulsive and confident that is despite the fact that he has no bad intention this will be later used by others to get what they want
I think the arc started very well the new opening is great, opponents have a variety of deadly and different techniques, greater participation of gohan characters, buu and piccolo etc.

No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #161C