Viewing last 25 versions of comment by DarkSonata on image #1340386


I'd love for him to learn to grow (even a little) without becoming all greedy.
Play with his uniqueness goddamit! :D  
There's so much potential there, its a crime that the writers of the show insist on ignoring one of the most interesting parts of their world's dynamic: That there's a DRAGON being raised by these ponies.
There's so much that can be done with that, the amazing andventures and lessons they could exploit if they only decided to give him a bit more protagonism despite not being a pony and a female. Show **true** equality writers!
No reason given
Edited by DarkSonata

I'd love for him to learn to grow (even a little) without becoming all greedy.
There's so much potential there, its a crime that the writers of the show insist on ignoring one of the most interesting parts of their world's dynamic: That there's a DRAGON being raised by these ponies.
There's so much that can be done with that, the amazing andventures and lessons they could exploit if they only decided to give him a bit more protagonism despite not being a pony and a female. Show *true* equality writers!
No reason given
Edited by DarkSonata