Viewing last 25 versions of comment by FlutterButterButt on image #1278966


Ok buddy
"[@Background Pony #BBE1":](/1278966#comment_7176994
Actually i dont think shes worst. Certainly not my favourite, but i dont hate her. The personal title is like that just because its catchy, and becaiuse there is not enough space to write "Not best but still not the worst character in the show, best ass"
No reason given
Edited by FlutterButterButt

Ok buddy
"@Background Pony #BBE1":/1278966#comment_7176994
Actually i dont think shes worst. Certainly not my favourite, but i dont hate her. The personal title is like that just because its catchy, and becaise there is not enough space to write "Not best but still not the worst character in the show, best ass"
No reason given
Edited by FlutterButterButt