Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Pagan on image #1277039


Gay Viking
"[@Background Pony #A395":](/1277039#comment_5540612
It still would have resulted in him perishing or at the very least not being born with Twilight which he obviously wouldn't want to be separated from.


@Background Pony #A395":](/1277039#comment_5540612
Except here's the problem Cadance told him to make sure nothing wakes Twilight but they never got a stand in for her and she is supposed to coordinating the delegates, do you see the problem there? Who is the only one present to take care of them while Twilight is asleep? That's right Spike, Cadance tells him to make sure nothing wakes Twilight so he can't wake Twilight to help and Cadance is just gone from the episode except when she shows up to glare at Spike instead of helping him, This was poor planning on the princesses part as Spike is forced to fill a role that they should have already had filled. So Spike ends up getting punished for trying to help he doesn't get karma'd because of his selfish actions but because he tried to fill a role he was forced into. The delegates were so absent minded that they practically had to be told how to breathe so someone had to do something and Spike was the only one present.

So Spike gets lectured and put down emotionally by Twilight and Cadance even thaough it was actually their fault from the begginning but Spike takes the fall instead for trying to help.
No reason given
Edited by Pagan

Gay Viking
"@Background Pony #A395":/1277039#comment_5540612
It still would have resulted in him perishing or at the very least not being born with Twilight which he obviously wouldn't want to be separated from.

"@Background Pony #A395":/1277039#comment_5540612
Except here's the problem Cadance told him to make sure nothing wakes Twilight but they never got a stand in for her and she is supposed to coordinating the delegates, do you see the problem there? Who is the only one present to take care of them while Twilight is asleep? That's right Spike, Cadance tells him to make sure nothing wakes Twilight so he can't wake Twilight to help and Cadance is just gone from the episode except when she shows up to glare at Spike instead of helping him, This was poor planning on the princesses part as Spike is forced to fill a role that they should have already had filled. So Spike ends up getting punished for trying to help he doesn't get karma'd because of his selfish actions but because he tried to fill a role he was forced into. The delegates were so absent minded that they practically had to be told how to breathe so someone had to do something and Spike was the only one present.

So Spike gets lectured and put down emotionally by Twilight and Cadance that was actually their fault from the begging but Spike takes the fall instead for trying to help.
No reason given
Edited by Pagan