Viewing last 25 versions of comment by AstralFrankie on image #1261864


"[@Spiritus Arcane":](/1261864#comment_5473527
) Arcane"] 

I hope they're gonna take a step back and tell us how Spike found out the truth. [/bq]

I was going to ask something similar. Wait. Don't tell me that Twilight acts like she's in __Hamlet__ and comes back as a ghost to tell Spike the truth?
Reason: Thought of something.
Edited by AstralFrankie

"@Spiritus Arcane":/1261864#comment_5473527
[bq="Spiritus Arcane"] I hope they're gonna take a step back and tell us how Spike found out the truth. [/bq]
I was going to ask something similar.
No reason given
Edited by AstralFrankie