Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Terminal Rex on image #1189099

Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Fine. The 1180 then. 1090 was just a made up example to make a point. Which still stands.
There's always something better coming out and I was done waiting.

Is the 1080ti even out yet? None of the stores I looked at carried any. As far as I know the 1080 was the latest and greatest at the time I payed for it (june 23rd).

No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
Fine. The 1180 then. 1090 was just a made up example to make a point. Which still stands.
There's always something better coming out and I was done waiting.

Is the 1080ti even out yet? None of the stores I looked at carried any. As far as I know the 1080 was the latest and greatest at the time I payed for it.

No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex