Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Pagan on image #1187499


Gay Viking
"[@Background Pony #4C8A":](/1187499#comment_5169559
It's a chore to even get started cooking some days and that's on top of everything else I have to do like washing the dishes doing the laundry keeping the house clean mowing the nine acre yard every week I want to burn this damn yard.
At least we don't have livestock to take care of anymore.
No reason given
Edited by Pagan

Gay Viking
"@Background Pony #4C8A":/1187499#comment_5169559
It's a chore to even get started cooking some days and that's on top of everything else I have to do like washing the dishes doing the laundry keeping the house clean mowing the nine acre yard every week I want to burn this damn yard.
No reason given
Edited by Pagan