Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Cloudsdale on image #1118662


More silly than those pathetic ways the owners of this site attempt to make people upgrade to premium accounts?
OK, I see that the watermark is gone, but who knows what will be their next bright idea...  
Bonus features, extra power and other benefits are things that would convince me better for the upgrade.
Nag screens, watermarks, ads, limiting access to the features which used to be for free, or other "give me $100 and I'll stop killing my violin" kind of stuff rather convinces me to stop using a website.
Which makes me wonder why it is usually the latter approach so many websites take...
No reason given
Edited by Cloudsdale

More silly than those pathetic ways the owners of this site attempt to make people upgrade to premium accounts?
Bonus features, extra power and other benefits are things that would convince me better for the upgrade.
Nag screens, watermarks, ads, limiting access to the features which used to be for free, or other "give me $100 and I'll stop killing my violin" kind of stuff rather convinces me to stop using a website.
Which makes me wonder why it is usually the latter approach so many websites take...
No reason given
Edited by Cloudsdale