Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #8649 on image #1040011

Background Pony #8649
It's alright, I ain't even mad.

The thing with Fluttershy is that people generally have this assumption that she is a lone lily surrounded by venus flytraps. She's simply a timid and docile girl, no more or less good, noble, or compassionate than the others, but people tend to repurpose the 'timid and docile' stuff and turn them into a focusing lens for her positive traits, often expanding them to ridiculous proportions, sometimes to the point that they completely override her general character with something else entirely.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8649
Background Pony #8649
It's alright, I ain't even mad.

The thing with Fluttershy is that people generally have this assumption that she is a lone lily surrounded by venus flytraps. She's simply a timid and docile girl, no more or less good, noble, or compassionate than the others, but people tend to repurpose the 'timid and docile' stuff and turn them into a focusing lens for her positive traits, often expanding them to ridiculous proportions.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #8649