Viewing last 25 versions of comment by EndlessWire94 on image #1040011

Artist -

"[@Background Pony #EF07":](/1040011#comment_5172392
It still shows she's at least _*slightly_* more willing to take action in dangerous situations, rather than just run away - not only that, she's not as much of a pushover. Think of it like Applejack slightly getting over her stubbornness, or Rainbow becoming slightly less boastful and impulsive: they may still retain their individual weaknesses to a certain extent, but they've undoubtedly lessened since the series debuted.
No reason given
Edited by EndlessWire94
Artist -

"@Background Pony #EF07":/1040011#comment_5172392
It still shows she's at least _slightly_ more willing to take action in dangerous situations.
No reason given
Edited by EndlessWire94