Viewing last 25 versions of comment by EndlessWire94 on image #1040011

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"[@Background Pony #EF07":](/1040011#comment_5155036
True, but like I said, she _*is_* slowly growing out of her cowardice and becoming braver. For that matter, most of the Mane 6 are growing out of their own weaknesses.

When I say "snarky remarks", I mean Rainbow's tendency to crack snide jokes, or be short-tempered and judgmental, particularly toward Fluttershy's timidity, or interests of Twilight's that she views as "lame" or "uncool". She _*is_* growing out of it, though.
No reason given
Edited by EndlessWire94
Artist -

"@Background Pony #EF07":/1040011#comment_5155036
True, but like I said, she _is_ slowly growing out of her cowardice and becoming braver. For that matter, most of the Mane 6 are growing out of their own weakneses.

When I say "snarky remarks", I mean Rainbow's tendency to crack snide jokes, or be short-tempered and judgmental, particularly toward Fluttershy's timidity, or interests of Twilight's that she views as "lame" or "uncool". She _is_ growing out of it, though.
No reason given
Edited by EndlessWire94
Artist -

"@Background Pony #EF07":/1040011#comment_5155036
True, but like I said, she _is_ slowly growing out of her cowardice and becoming braver. For that matter, most of the Mane 6 are.

When I say "snarky remarks", I mean Rainbow's tendency to crack snide jokes, or be short-tempered and judgmental, particularly toward Fluttershy's timidity, or interests of Twilight's that she views as "lame" or "uncool". She _is_ growing out of it, though.
No reason given
Edited by EndlessWire94