Viewing last 25 versions of comment by EndlessWire94 on image #1040011

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"[@Background Pony #EF07":](/1040011#comment_4662866
Fluttershy's kindness stands out to me personally because she's the least likely of the Mane 6 to go out of her way to make rude/snarky/sarcastic remarks for the hell of it, or be overly blunt/harsh. That's not to say she won't do those things period: she _*has_* had her fair share of slipping into jerkass territory - she's just usually not one to do so deliberately or otherwise. And while she _*can_* be cripplingly timid and anxious, she _*is_* gradually getting over her fears and becoming quite a bit braver than she was when the show began (depending on the writer, at least).

When I said before that she's capable of turning the other cheek, I meant it partially because she's shown willingness to give even her enemies the benefit of the doubt. While Fluttershy may not have reformed Discord permanently the first time around, she remained kind to him even though he kept pushing his luck. It shows great strength of character, IMHO, especially when others might just as easily have lost their patience earlier on. This is a trait of Fluttershy's I'd really like to see displayed in later episodes.

More importantly, Fluttershy's unyielding sweetness, love for all things cute and cuddly, mild naiveté, frequent anxiety, and low self-esteem make her endearing and easy for me to relate to.
No reason given
Edited by EndlessWire94
Artist -

"@Background Pony #EF07":/1040011#comment_4662866
Fluttershy's kindness stands out to me personally because she's the least likely of the Mane 6 to go out of her way to make rude/snarky/sarcastic remarks for the hell of it, or be overly blunt/harsh. That's not to say she won't do those things period: she _has_ had her fair share of slipping into jerkass territory - she's just usually not one to do so deliberately or otherwise. And while she _can_ be cripplingly timid and anxious, she _is_ gradually getting over her fears and becoming quite a bit braver than she was when the show began (depending on the writer, at least).

When I said before that she's capable of turning the other cheek, I meant it partially because she's shown willingness to give even her enemies the benefit of the doubt. While Fluttershy may not have reformed Discord permanently the first time around, she remained kind to him even though he kept pushing his luck. It shows great strength of character, IMHO, especially when others might just as easily have lost their patience earlier on. This is a trait of Fluttershy's I'd really like to see displayed in later episodes.

More importantly, Fluttershy's unyielding sweetness, love for all things cute and cuddly, mild naiveté, frequent anxiety, and low self-esteem make her endearing and easy for me to relate to.
No reason given
Edited by EndlessWire94