This gallery includes images that are collectively part in a series known as When Giant Ponies and Creatures Attack, which often involves friends and allies (later villains and arch-enemies) of the Mane Six becoming villains and also giants, destroying cities and humans in the real world. Only the Mane Six can save the day and defeat the friends and allies they have known for a while. Note that episode 30, which features Upper Crust, has not been included in this gallery as it was deleted on June 11th, the day after it was uploaded on the site due to its low score of only 8 and 9 faves. Episode 44, which features Suri Polomare and Svengallop, is also not included in this gallery as it was also deleted for a low score of only 6, the worst one out of any episodes in the When Giant Ponies and Creatures Attack series.
A gallery byJaredking779 with 44 images
Showing results 1 - 15 of 44 total