Timekeeper and a crowd of ponies was at the Worldwide 1000th games qualifications in Rainbow Falls in the spring where the Crystal Empire was going to host the games later in the summer after being hidden for 1000 of years in the midst of 5 elected Equestrian cities. Cloudsdale, Ponyville and Griffonstone all made it to the top 3 at the finale as the twelve ponies and the birds was all dressed up and they all got their medals. Many ponies in the crowded Rainbow Falls they got an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon. One on the games was for a group of pegasi to hold an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon up above the skies and not drop it on the ground. Timekeeper got an clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon after the medals was given out to the birds and the ponies. The pony held the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon with his horn as balloon scared Bulk Biceps held the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon with his head for 2 hours as the pony and the horse was petting the balloon with their horn and head in front of the crowd. An scared griffon with medals on the podium then got an balloon beak massage with the creaking, clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon by Timekeeper for 2 hours in front of the crowd as the bird had a balloon phobia. Then was Timekeeper with his horn and snout and the three balloon scared griffons with their beaks pushing to the clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon for 2 hours as the birds and the pony rubbed themselves under the legs by pushing to the clear, very thick, shiny and orange balloon until they reached their orgasm in front of the crowd.