Viewing last 25 versions of post by ArmadilloEater in topic Can we get a mod consensus on the spoiler:s08e14 vs. spoiler:s08e18 tags?


French Taunter
"[@Derpy Whooves":](/tagging/can-we-get-a-mod-consensus-on-the-spoilers08e14-vs-spoilers08e18-tags/post/3928882#post_3928882
Read Zeb's posts... Filtering isn't an issue... it's not even a factor in this recent discussion... you decided to make it your main argument for some reason, and now you're telling _*me_* I'm not listening? Nevermind tequila, I need my rope. Unsubbing from thread for my sanity's sake, goddamn.  

> you didn’t even include the importance of filtering in your list
Because my list was to help you see what you were missing, what other people were worried about... why would I list the one thing YOU were... nvm... Just...
Reason: Just kill me fam
Edited by ArmadilloEater

French Taunter
"@Derpy Whooves":/tagging/can-we-get-a-mod-consensus-on-the-spoilers08e14-vs-spoilers08e18-tags/post/3928882#post_3928882
Read Zeb's posts... Filtering isn't an issue... it's not even a factor in this recent discussion... you decided to make it your main argument for some reason, and now you're telling _me_ I'm not listening? Nevermind tequila, I need my rope. Unsubbing from thread for my sanity's sake, goddamn.
No reason given
Edited by ArmadilloEater