Viewing last 25 versions of post by Prism King in topic Radiant Hope will win!

Prism King
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Economist -
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

Draconia and Liberty!
"[@Radiant Hope":](/rp/radiant-hope-will-win/post/3907062#post_3907062
(Hope and Faith are in the same location, actually. I remember taht.)
@Creepa-Bot Inc.":](/rp/radiant-hope-will-win/post/3907063#post_3907063
Lead Mane: **What? Impossible! We are the absolute rulers of shadow in our realm, meaning the only equals to our power should be the Umbrum! What trickery is this? Urgh! No matter! Manes! To me! Umbraportation! We shall use the realm of darkness itself to travel at great speeds! Take all Umbrum along with you! Our cover will be blown shortly! _*Attack!_*
The Manes nod as one, and they and their Umbrum allies dissolve into the ground, becoming one with the shadows and darkness, including the dome. Instead of penetrating it, they simply use it as a conduit of travel, and dart towards the two healers through the shadows in the ground._*
No reason given
Edited by Prism King
Prism King
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Economist -
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

Draconia and Liberty!
"@Radiant Hope":/rp/radiant-hope-will-win/post/3907062#post_3907062
(Hope and Faith are in the same location, actually. I remember taht.)
"@Creepa-Bot Inc.":/rp/radiant-hope-will-win/post/3907063#post_3907063
Lead Mane: *What? Impossible! We are the absolute rules of shadow in our realm, meaning the only equals to our power should be the Umbrum! What trickery is this? Urgh! No matter! mManes! To me! Umbraportation! We shall use the realm of darkness itself to travel at great speeds! Take all Umbrum along with you! Our cover will be blown shortly! _Attack!_*
_The Manes nod as one, and they and their Umbrum allies dissolve into the ground, becoming one with the shadows and darkness, including the dome. Instead of penetrating it, they simply use it as a conduit of travel, and dart towards the two healers through the shadows in the ground._
No reason given
Edited by Prism King
Prism King
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Economist -
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

Draconia and Liberty!
"@Radiant Hope":/rp/radiant-hope-will-win/post/3907062#post_3907062
(Hope and Faith are in the same location, actually. I remember taht.)
"@Creepa-Bot Inc.":/rp/radiant-hope-will-win/post/3907063#post_3907063
Lead Mane: *What? Impossible! We are the absolute rules of shadow in our realm, meaning the only equals to our power should be the Umbrum! What trickery is this? Urgh! No matter! manes! To me! Umbraportation! We shall use the realm of darkness itself to travel at great speeds! Take all Umbrum along with you! Our cover will be blown shortly! _Attack!_*
_The Manes nod as one, and they and their Umbrum allies dissolve into the ground, becoming one with the shadows and darkness, including the dome. Instead of penetrating it, they simply use it as a conduit of travel, and dart towards the two healers through the shadows in the ground._
No reason given
Edited by Prism King