Background Pony #5C6B
[@Background Pony \#5C6B](/forums/rp/topics/mymc06e04-secrets-of-starlight-reaction-script-a-entering-the-frostlands?post_id=5558599#post_5558599)
__Pipp Petals__: We'll come back, okay?
[*Mane Six sans Izzy were about to leave when the magical portal reopens again*]
(*Breezy wind blows onto Izzy*)
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__Foster Twins__: **EVERYPONY, LOOK! IT's HAPPENING AGAIN!!!!**
__Inspector Mare__: HHUHHH WHHAATT???! I wasn't ready! Let me put my pants back on again!
(*Every pony stares at the portal*)
__Deputy Mare__: Huh, so the portal does open every three*punctual*....
__Professor__: Hmmmm, interesting....
__Pipp Petals__: 🎵 *Prettyyyyy*! 🎵
__Butler__: WONDROUS, I might say…
__Pipp Petals__: We'll come back, okay?
[*Mane Six sans Izzy were about to leave when the magical portal reopens again*]
(*Breezy wind blows onto Izzy*)
![small]( ![small](
__Foster Twins__: **EVERYPONY, LOOK! IT's HAPPENING AGAIN!!!!**
__Inspector Mare__: HHUHHH WHHAATT???! I wasn't ready! Let me put my pants back on again!
(*Every pony stares at the portal*)
__Deputy Mare__: Huh, so the portal does open every three*punctual*....
__Professor__: Hmmmm, interesting....
__Pipp Petals__: 🎵 *Prettyyyyy*! 🎵
__Butler__: WONDROUS, I might say…