> [@Background Pony \#7EE7](/forums/rp/topics/mymc06e01-the-isle-of-scaly-reaction-script-ei-meeting-up-with-the-dragon-lord?post_id=5552435#post_5552435)
> >>3250590t
> __Hitch Trailblazer__: She wants to steal all the magic for herself.
> __Zipp Storm__: Which is why she's also draining your dragon shimmer.
> __Sunny Starscout__: We know that she's been trying to take over Equestria since the days of—
> __Zipp Storm__: **Twilight Sparkle!** She protected our lands somehow, keeping her out all this time!
> __Spike__: [gasps] *Twi?!*
> __Professor__: YEAH, that Twilight!! You remember her, right??! *The unicorn legend who raised you when you were an egg after the Day of the Rainboom??!!!* THAT Twilight Sparkle!!
> __Sunny Starscout__: But the spell has broken down, and now, Opaline is back. We just want to stop her and keep our magic.
I think he knows who Twilight is, Professor!
> __Professor__: You have to help finish where your old Princess pony pal had left off! She was only able to suppress Opaline for so long, but now---the seeds she planted had led us to you, and right now---you're our only hope of saving your kin---AND our forsaken planet!!