Background Pony #D626
[@Background Pony \#D626](/forums/rp/topics/mymc06e01-the-isle-of-scaly-reaction-script-b-mane-six-meets-the-dragons-for-the-first-time?post_id=5551271#post_5551271)
__Blaize__: Who are you?
__Sunny Starscout__: I'm Sunny.
This is Hitch...
__Deputy Mare__: *SHERIFF* Hitch...I'm Deputy Mare! And BEFORE you get all fired up, let us inform you that we have an official legitimate reason to enter into your island territories based on this pending warrant we are pursuing, ma'am!
(*Hitch chuckles nervously*)
__Sunny Starscout__: ...Izzy...
(*Izzy Moonbow laughs joyfully*)
__Foster Twins__: **COOOOLLLL!!!!!**
__Sunny Starscout__: ...Pipp...
__Pipp Petals__: Hi.
__Butler__: Greetings! PLEASE to make your acquaintance, Madamoiselle! I presume you are the---chieftain of your posse group??
__Sunny Starscout__: ...Zipp...
__Zipp Storm__: I...
__Inspector Mare__: **Howdy-diddly-do-y'all!!** HEhee....SORRY about the loud unconventional landing here, fellers! *You don't happen to have a spares hangar to store our Marestream, do you??*
__Sunny Starscout__: ...and Misty.
(*Misty squeaks in high pitch*)
__Rebel Mare__: ....I think I'm going to need a change of pants after this...
__Blaize__: Who are you?
__Sunny Starscout__: I'm Sunny.
This is Hitch...
__Deputy Mare__: *SHERIFF* Hitch...I'm Deputy Mare! And BEFORE you get all fired up, let us inform you that we have an official legitimate reason to enter into your island territories based on this pending warrant we are pursuing, ma'am!
(*Hitch chuckles nervously*)
__Sunny Starscout__: ...Izzy...
(*Izzy Moonbow laughs joyfully*)
__Foster Twins__: **COOOOLLLL!!!!!**
__Sunny Starscout__: ...Pipp...
__Pipp Petals__: Hi.
__Butler__: Greetings! PLEASE to make your acquaintance, Madamoiselle! I presume you are the---chieftain of your posse group??
__Sunny Starscout__: ...Zipp...
__Zipp Storm__: I...
__Inspector Mare__: **Howdy-diddly-do-y'all!!** HEhee....SORRY about the loud unconventional landing here, fellers! *You don't happen to have a spares hangar to store our Marestream, do you??*
__Sunny Starscout__: ...and Misty.
(*Misty squeaks in high pitch*)
__Rebel Mare__: ....I think I'm going to need a change of pants after this...