> [@CloudMistDragon](/forums/pony/topics/mlp-g5-discussion-and-speculation-thread?post_id=5629786#post_5629786)
> Like you said, it's okay to recognize flaws in something you like. But that involves opinions more complex than a binary "good" or "bad", and he seems to have a hard time with those.
I know, you'd think someone who always likes to insist that he's neutral and calls himself "quiet" would be less snappy, more understanding of the opinions of others, and not see everything in black and white. Just because you like to talk about what you think G5 does better than G4 a lot doesn't mean you're a hostile-sounding G5 purist. Just because a guy likes to defend G5 doesn't mean he thinks any kind of G5 criticism is unfounded. Just because G5 fans are getting death threats doesn't mean they're being just as bad as toxic G4 fans (I WISH I WAS MAKING THIS UP). It's this constant jumping to conclusions that needs to ***STOP***. I will ***NOT*** put up with it anymore.