Viewing last 25 versions of post by omeggga in topic The Anti-Censorship DNP Pledge

Non-Fungible Trixie -

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"[@Aeternis Tenebris":](/forums/meta/topics/the-anti-censorship-dnp-pledge?post_id=4864460#post_4864460
The paralels between how nazis marked jews and how TSP is marking those he deems unworthy of his site are just that.

Parallels, historical hubris.

Do not call him a nazi, that word has lost all meaning. Call him what he is instead: A fascist.
No reason given
Edited by omeggga
Non-Fungible Trixie -

<-Unironic jpg avatar
"@Aeternis Tenebris":/forums/meta/topics/the-anti-censorship-dnp-pledge?post_id=4864460#post_4864460
The paralels between how nazis marked jews and how TSP is marking those he deems unworthy of his site are just that.

Parallels, historical hubris.

Do not call him a nazi, that word has lost all meaning. Call him what he is: A fascist.
No reason given
Edited by omeggga