Viewing last 25 versions of post by derpiboorudelinquent in topic Downvoting is being replaced by Hiding


Personally, I think that the +@__`Downvote@+`__ option was a good idea ^as it provides a balance to the +@__`Upvote@+`__ option^, but the problem was that many people on this site started using it either to their advantage or incorrectly.
Do people/bronies not know what filters [spoiler]|| @`(or customizable filters for that matter)@[/spoiler]`|| are for? 😒
I myself have a @`customized filter@` that I use on a consistent basis so that way it blocks anything I don't want to see -[spoiler]~~||(mane8abuse, scat, urine, cringeworthy imagery, etc.)[/spoiler]-||~~ from my sight - and I think that everybrony else should do the same.
No reason given
Edited by derpiboorudelinquent

Personally, I think that the +@Downvote@+ option was a good idea ^as it provides balance to the +@Upvote@+ option^, but the problem was that many people on this site started using it either to their advantage or incorrectly.
Do people/bronies not know what filters [spoiler] @(or customizable filters for that matter)@[/spoiler] are for? 😒
I myself have a @customized filter@ that I use on a consistent basis so that way it blocks anything I don't want to see -[spoiler](mane8abuse, scat, urine, cringeworthy imagery, etc.)[/spoiler]- from my sight - and I think that everybrony else should do the same.
No reason given
Edited by derpiboorudelinquent