> oh right it was
> > complaining that images they haven't reported haven't been deleted.
You were **not banned** [for your comment](https://derpibooru.org/forums/meta/topics/ai-content-help-ask-questions-discuss-comment-complain?post_id=5603838#post_5603838) - we just deleted the comment and asked you to stop making up shit to complain about that never happened.
So please STOP MAKING UP SHIT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT that never happened. Go be a pretend victim of things no one ever did to you somewhere else.
Here's a deal - you have 1 day to report any of the images that you are still whinging on about. If you don't, then I'll give you a 3 day ban for continuing to create artificial drama about shit that never happened. That way you won't be lying any more, because you will have been banned for 3 days. But not for the reasons you claim.
I'm not kidding - I'm looking forward to some absolutely 100% valid delete on sight Rule #1 `using ai to emulate artist's styles` images. Hit me with your best shot, please. I've only deleted a few of those this month so far and would like to make it an even 20 by Monday.