But also most politicians don't outright lie, they usually lie by omission or by being vague. Trump stands out for his blatant falsehoods. Barack Obama was a master at it as he said a lot of inspiring things but that were so vague as to not mean much.
Also California is the furthest thing from "communist". A majority of it's problems are due to how much power the tech and trade megacorps have. Leading to underinvestment in public services, gentrification of large areas and corruption in state issues. Most states try to deregulate to lure businesses but California already has all the businesses it needs. Their main priority is to make sure they obey the rules and help the state rather than hinder it.
All of the US of course has trouble with meddling megacorps but I would say California has it the worst since it's the richest state and home to a large number of international corporate giants.
A big problem with the rise of AI and ever more convincing propaganda as well as the number of scams you see is that people become very distrustful as a whole. They feel they can only trust themselves and their immediate friends and family. This is what sociologists call a low trust society.
Greece was a lot trust society which let to a lot of self-denial about the problems they had until the EU came down on them like a ton of bricks. The EU's "solution" to Greece's political and economic problems was really bad but it was Greece's fault those problems were there.