Viewing last 25 versions of post by Metro_Offset in topic Don't blame me, I voted for the other guy. (Politics General)

Duck - Ducks should be a majority on Derpi and thus in charge.

"You want those babies to be born, you better fuckin' support the idea of having certain programs and safety nets to care for them when they're born."
Yep. I do. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm a supporter of a 'cradle to grave' state. You're basically advocating for "mercy-killing". And what is worse, you're only killing the symptom, not the root cause. Ultimately if you're afraid of birthrates and you really shouldn't be as American women are having less children than ever in America's history, there are better ways to go about it than murdering children.


That's great. But as you should know, the matter is far from settled.


I care about the life of doctors. But someone trying to moral grandstand me when they support killing millions of babies is always amazing to me.


@Violet Rose in The Rain":](/forums/generals/topics/tartarus?post_id=4898570#post_4898570

Abortion rates are actually highest among non-whites, who skew overwhelmingly liberal. Blacks have them at almost triple the rate at whites. The only way you can win this one is by saying white liberals have less abortions than everyone else.

Edit: Checking your article it literally says that red states have lower abortion rates. Great job on checking your own article.  
No reason given
Edited by Metro_Offset
Duck - Ducks should be a majority on Derpi and thus in charge.

"You want those babies to be born, you better fuckin' support the idea of having certain programs and safety nets to care for them when they're born."
Yep. I do. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm a supporter of a 'cradle to grave' state. You're basically advocating for "mercy-killing". And what is worse, you're only killing the symptom, not the root cause. Ultimately if you're afraid of birthrates and you really shouldn't be as American women are having less children than ever in America's history, there are better ways to go about it than murdering children.

That's great. But as you should know, the matter is far from settled.

I care about the life of doctors. But someone trying to moral grandstand me when they support killing millions of babies is always amazing to me.

"@Violet Rose in The Rain":/forums/generals/topics/tartarus?post_id=4898570#post_4898570

Abortion rates are actually highest among non-whites, who skew overwhelmingly liberal. Blacks have them at almost triple the rate at whites. The only way you can win this one is by saying white liberals have less abortions than everyone else.
No reason given
Edited by Metro_Offset
Duck - Ducks should be a majority on Derpi and thus in charge.

"You want those babies to be born, you better fuckin' support the idea of having certain programs and safety nets to care for them when they're born."
Yep. I do. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm a supporter of a 'cradle to grave' state. You're basically advocating for "mercy-killing". And what is worse, you're only killing the symptom, not the root cause. Ultimately if you're afraid of birthrates and you really shouldn't be as American women are having less children than ever in America's history, there are better ways to go about it than murdering children.

That's great. But as you should know, the matter is far from settled.

I care about the life of doctors. But someone trying to moral grandstand me when they support killing millions of babies is always amazing to me.

"@Violet Rose in The Rain":/forums/generals/topics/tartarus?post_id=4898570#post_4898570

Abortion rates are actually highest among non-whites, who skew overwhelmingly liberal. Blacks have them at almost triple the rate at whites. The only way you can win this one is by saying white liberals have less abortions than everyone else.
No reason given
Edited by Metro_Offset
Duck - Ducks should be a majority on Derpi and thus in charge.

"You want those babies to be born, you better fuckin' support the idea of having certain programs and safety nets to care for them when they're born."
Yep. I do. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm a supporter of a 'cradle to grave' state. You're basically advocating for "mercy-killing". And what is worse, you're only killing the symptom, not the root cause. Ultimately if you're afraid of birthrates and you really shouldn't be as American women are having less children than ever in America's history, there are better ways to go about it than murdering children.

That's great. But as you should know, the matter is far from settled.

I care about the life of doctors. But someone trying to moral grandstand me when they support killing millions of babies is always amazing to me.

"@Violet Rose in The Rain":/forums/generals/topics/tartarus?post_id=4898570#post_4898570

Abortion rates are actually highest among non-whites, who skew overwhelmingly liberal. Blacks have them at almost triple the rate at whites.
No reason given
Edited by Metro_Offset
Duck - Ducks should be a majority on Derpi and thus in charge.

"You want those babies to be born, you better fuckin' support the idea of having certain programs and safety nets to care for them when they're born."
Yep. I do. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm a supporter of a 'cradle to grave' state. You're basically advocating for "mercy-killing". And what is worse, you're only killing the symptom, not the root cause. Ultimately if you're afraid of birthrates and you really shouldn't be as American women are having less children than ever in America's history, there are better ways to go about it than murdering children.

That's great. But as you should know, the matter is far from settled.

I care about the life of doctors. But someone trying to moral grandstand me when they support killing millions of babies is always amazing to me.

"@Violet Rose in The Rain":/forums/generals/topics/tartarus?post_id=4898570#post_4898570

Abortion rates are actually highest among non-whites, who skew overwhelmingly liberal. Blacks have them at almost triple the rate at whites.
No reason given
Edited by Metro_Offset
Duck - Ducks should be a majority on Derpi and thus in charge.

"You want those babies to be born, you better fuckin' support the idea of having certain programs and safety nets to care for them when they're born."
Yep. I do. Please don't put words in my mouth. I'm a supporter of a 'cradle to grave' state. You're basically advocating for "mercy-killing". And what is worse, you're only killing the symptom, not the root cause. Ultimately if you're afraid of birthrates and you really shouldn't be as American women are having less children than ever in America's history, there are better ways to go about it than murdering children.

That's great. But as you should know, the matter is far from settled.

I care about the life of doctors. But someone trying to moral grandstand me when they support killing millions of babies is always amazing to me.

"@Violet Rose in The Rain":/forums/generals/topics/tartarus?post_id=4898570#post_4898570

Abortion rates are actually highest among non-whites, who skew overwhelmingly liberal. Blacks have them at almost triple the rate at whites.
No reason given
Edited by Metro_Offset