> A is for Amazarashi (or Aimer)
> B is for BoA
> C is for Crush 40
> D is for DOES (or Do as Infinity)
> E is for Eir Aoi (or EXiNA)
> F is for FLOW
> G is for Granrodeo (or GARNIDELLA)
> H is for Hiroyuki Sawano
> I is for Ikemono-gakari
> J is for June
> K is for Konomi Suzuki
> L is for LiSA (or L'Arc-en-CiƩl)
> N is for Nico Touches the Walls
> O is for OxT
> P is for Porno Graffiti
> Q is for Quark, Captain Quark (couldn't find a band that started with the letter Q)
> R is for ReoNa
> S is for SID (or Spyair)
> T is for T.M. Revolution
> U is for Uverworld
> V is for ViViD
> W is for w-inds
> X is for Xylophone Saxophone (again, no luck here either.)
> Y is for YUI
> Z is for Zebrahead