Viewing last 25 versions of post by Rabidcabbit in topic Pokemon General [SFW, No NSFW]

Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Since the Beginning  -

Touch Fluffy Tail
Ultra Suns Sylveon dex "**Once a fight breaks out, it will unflinchingly charge at dragon Pokémon that are many times larger than itself.**"

It's definitely a dragon eater.

Ultra moons Gengar dex "**Even your home isn’t safe. Gengar will lurk in whatever dark corner of a room it can find and wait for its chance to catch its prey.**"

Wait, it gets worse, it's US mega's dex says "**It tries to take the lives of anyone and everyone. It will even try to curse the Trainer who is its master!**"



US's Beheeyems dex "**With its psychic powers, it rewrites its opponents’ memories. You, too, may have already had your memories rewritten.**"
You wouldn't want one as a pet
No reason given
Edited by Rabidcabbit
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Since the Beginning  -

Touch Fluffy Tail
Ultra Suns Sylveon dex "*Once a fight breaks out, it will unflinchingly charge at dragon Pokémon that are many times larger than itself.*"

It's definitely a dragon eater.

Ultra moons Gengar dex "*Even your home isn’t safe. Gengar will lurk in whatever dark corner of a room it can find and wait for its chance to catch its prey.*"

Wait, it gets worse, it's US mega's dex says "*It tries to take the lives of anyone and everyone. It will even try to curse the Trainer who is its master!*"


US's Beheeyems dex "*With its psychic powers, it rewrites its opponents’ memories. You, too, may have already had your memories rewritten.*"
No reason given
Edited by Rabidcabbit
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Since the Beginning  -

Touch Fluffy Tail
Ultra Suns Sylveon dex "*Once a fight breaks out, it will unflinchingly charge at dragon Pokémon that are many times larger than itself.*"

It's definitely a dragon eater.

Ultra moons Gengar dex "*Even your home isn’t safe. Gengar will lurk in whatever dark corner of a room it can find and wait for its chance to catch its prey.*"

Wait, it gets worse, it's US mega's dex says "*It tries to take the lives of anyone and everyone. It will even try to curse the Trainer who is its master!*"

No reason given
Edited by Rabidcabbit