Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #5252 in topic Gun Discussion

Background Pony #5252
Damaging a lock is not the same as opening it. Just bring a bolt cutter. Or at least frangible ammo for safety.

* You are not trained and familiar with some random dude's gun.
* Especially if the goon is some untrained criminal or terrorist, their weapon might not be in the best condition.
* You don't know how it's zeroed. Perhaps it's not zeroed at all.
* If it's a military gun, especially an older one, it might simply not be as good as your high end civilian gun.
* Or even worse, it might be a low end civilian gun built by a dude who sat next to a gunsmith once. It might have only aliexpress folding iron sights and the gummiest, grittiest trigger with two inches of overtravel. It might jam every second shot and force you to rip the empty mags out when reloading.

As long as you have your own gun, it's not a good idea to use someone else's gun.

EDIT: Oh, you mean the protagonist does not have a gun of their own? Well, an in-universe explanation would be that they don't know how to use one. And the actual explanation is that melee looks cooler and the scenario writer probably was anti-gun.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #5252