Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #7DAF in topic Ask the mods anything

Background Pony #7DAF
"[@The Smiling Pony":](/dis/ask-the-mods-anything/post/3054876#post_3054876
You could just make the account 'quality'- standards pretty high eg. 100+ approved uploads and at least 1/2 a year old for being excluded from ip banning.

Also why doesn't the average spam-/shitposter just use your onion site? I didn't see any restrictions imposed by it last time I've was using it.

My VPN or rather my https-proxy service is using dynamic address rotation so unblocking one IP wouldn't be much help.

Maybe you should also consider reducing the ban duration of a 1000 years to something more sensible, because consumer ISPs usually don't give out static IPs, but rather rotate them among their customers, so an IP-ban period of 24h to 48h would be more than sufficient and would reduce false-positive bans among regular users.
Reason: "a" + vowel.* => "an"
Edited by Background Pony #7DAF
Background Pony #7DAF
"@The Smiling Pony":/dis/ask-the-mods-anything/post/3054876#post_3054876
You could just make the account 'quality'- standards pretty high eg. 100+ approved uploads and at least 1/2 a year old for being excluded from ip banning.

Also why doesn't the average spam-/shitposter just use your onion site? I didn't see any restrictions imposed by it last time I've was using it.

My VPN or rather my https-proxy service is using dynamic address rotation so unblocking one IP wouldn't be much help.

Maybe you should also consider reducing the ban duration of a 1000 years to something more sensible, because consumer ISPs usually don't give out static IPs, but rather rotate them among their customers, so a IP-ban period of 24h to 48h would be more than sufficient and would reduce false-positive bans among regular users.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7DAF