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A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary
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ℜ𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔟𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔭𝔬𝔫𝔶
@Background Pony #398D
>She’s objectively the worst MLP character ever.  
A great villain with an unclear backstory, like most villains at this franchise. Besides the writers only want to give more protagonism to Supporting characters.
No man. There isn’t strawmanning in my comment. Besides you commited more falacies attacking other people and avoid sane debate.

WE know starlight and pony twilight are socially awkward, but the show and their characters and environment barely ackoledge it. They are often treated as charismatic leaders even when acting the exact opposite.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
It is a part of her identity. Being socially awkward has ALWAYS been a part of her identity. Being massively charismatic would completely break a key part of her character, that she’s unable to form connections without magic. Her dialogue reinforces this.
And it’s not that bad, not in the slightest. She just sounds a bit nervous and stressed, and her exuberance a little forced, which anyone halfway polite would just brush off. Sci-Twi is far, far worse, as is pony Twilight half the time.
Background Pony #1490
>what is no second prances:the post

Even the slightest ‘Uhh’ when someone says something stilted or when the voice actress can’t make the dialogue sound authentic cause of the writing… would not be rude, it would be character building to be acknowledged as someone who talks awkwardly. Or the character reacting to what they just said because they said it awkwardly, like Sci Twi.
Why give Starlight an eternal excuse to have dialogue to be stilted but ignored and yet never call it bad writing? Why not every character?
Why? Because that is a bad idea overall for any character.
Its perfectly fine for a character to have awkward dialogue so long as its acknowledged part of their identity. Otherwise, you have endless fuel to create stilted dialogue for every character, and no fan wants that.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
Reacting differently to someone because they speak awkwardly is called “being a massive jerk”.

One sided awkward messes, the other ponies treat her dialogue as completely natural. Dialogue does not equal her actions.
The show has the main characters treat her as fully trusted at the beginning of each episode UNTIL she messes up royally, instead of the other way around where the Humane 5 were still friendly toward Sunset but still somewhat uncomfortable around her, which slowly disappeared the more she earned it. And with Starlight, their full trust is reset to trusted inexplicably at the beginning of the next episode, even though canonically she’s still a pretty big piece of work.
No Second Prances was more about Twilight’s character flaws (and Trixie’s), not Starlight’s. The episode made it quite clear that Twilight’s hate for Trixie was completely personal and had nothing to do with Starlight’s own past.
I was not saying she makes friends perfectly during the middle of the show, my complaints weren’t even remotely in that direction. I’m honestly unclear how you interpreted it like that. Her crazy attempts at friendships like warping Big Mac’s voice =/= her awkward dialogue that is not acknowledged.
Background Pony #015B
And you LITERALLY proved my point about how you are a smug, self-righteous know-it-all.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
No one acknowledges it? Almost all of her conversations with others are awkward messes, and very few ponies seem to like her very much. The only ponies she seems to have a good relationship with are Maud, Sunburst, Twilight, Luna and Trixie (who are not in the position to judge anyone on being socially awkward), and Celestia, Sunset and Spike (who are used to this sort of thing).
Hell, “No Second Prances” was all about Starlight not being able to make any friends.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

@Background Pony #398D  
I see. I guess I’ve seen so much vitriol against Starlight in my time that I ended up falling prey to Poe’s Law here. Regardless, I am glad we we managed to clear that confusion up.
You’ve obviously never heard of Poe’s Law, then. Frankly, the only one here who needs to seek mental health is you. At least I’m not instantly attacking someone’s character when I reply to them.

Why didn’t you wait two seconds to actually read his overly hateful comment against me?
You LITERALLY proved my point about having no self control! 0.0
…I am now honestly worried about your mental health if you replied with such rashness. Your rage literally blinded you to not actually REALLY reading what he said before you replied to him until minutes later.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

Honestly I like her somewhat stilted and unnatural dialogue. Like Twilight (who, especially in early seasons, tended to conduct half of her conversations like a series of prepared speeches) everyday social conversation doesn’t come naturally to her, it’s something she had to study and think about. I think it’s very cute, and I find her continued efforts to fit in around normal ponies highly endearing.
Same here. Maybe it’s because I too occasionally struggle with holding a conversation in real life, but I’ve also found her stilted dialogue and her attempts at socializing in general to be a charming part of her character.
Background Pony #015B
Normally I try to make my sarcasm so over the top that I hope most people would recognize it as sarcasm without my needing to add some sort of disclaimer.
When it comes to Starlight drama, though, I don’t think it’s possible to go that far over the top.

I’m okay with stilted dialogue too…so long as its part of her character, like when Human Twilight couldn’t enter the conversation well in the 2nd EG special. That’s good writing if that’s the character’s theme.
..The actual issue is when the dialogue is stilted and unnatural and the show itself or any of the characters doesn’t recognize or acknowledge it, which happens to Starlight a lot. To say its less of a good thing is an understatement, I can say confidentally you always want to write WITH a character, not around a character. It can create a disconnect with the character and the other characters, as well as the character and the voice actor/voice actress.
A show should always want to create the illusion where two character’s voice actors are actually engaging with each other. If you take that away, and a character can sound awkward and ill-fitting for all the wrong reasons.
In contrast, the show actually acknowledged with Human Twilight’s reaction that she was still awkward with conversation, which is good because she’s a young social introvert who just gained her friends moderately recently.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

@Background Pony #398D  
So you support him attacking other users?
If you want to believe Starlight is the worst character ever, I won’t stop you. However you cannot claim that to be an objective fact, nor can you label anyone who does enjoy her character as in the wrong and a “dullard”.
EDIT: I just realized that was sarcasm. Please disregard my reply to you.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

Most people should know better than to make an inflammatory post in a comment section that was as heated as this one (there were literally 100 or so comments already here before he arrived) and has been lying dormant for some time now (more than a week). The smart choice would be to simply to move on to the next thing and let sleeping dogs lie, not potentially light the powder keg and reignite the fire with a cheap shot.
Yes, I respond to people who are bashing and insulting Starlight when I come across them, but only because they are bashing and insulting her. I take no issue whatsoever with legitimate criticisms of her character. I have plenty of restraint in that regard. In fact, the example you brought up of me agreeing that her dialogue is somewhat less natural than that of other characters in the show serves only as further proof; as much as I enjoy watching Starlight on screen, I am well aware she is by no means a flawless character. I’ll admit, perhaps in some of those cases it wasn’t particularly smart of me to respond either, but inciting more drama has never been my intention.
Funny you say we should all argue less after slamming me like that. Regardless, I do agree that avoiding heated confrontations will healthier for everyone.
I’m not sure how hakirayleigh expressing an argument to the contrary is a strawman. Moreover, if you didn’t want to get into a “pointless argument”, then you shouldn’t have started this whole unnecessary debacle to begin with.
Background Pony #015B
It must be nice to be right about everything all the time; I’m sorry you have to put up with such dullards, like the people who keep insisting they like Starlite Glimmerski even though they can’t deny she’s objectively the worst MLP character ever. /s
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
Dude, chill on the personal attacks. Present your ideas and let them stand on their own.
Honestly I like her somewhat stilted and unnatural dialogue. Like Twilight (who, especially in early seasons, tended to conduct half of her conversations like a series of prepared speeches) everyday social conversation doesn’t come naturally to her, it’s something she had to study and think about. I think it’s very cute, and I find her continued efforts to fit in around normal ponies highly endearing.

“Natural” would be occasionally replying, not almost clockwork. That is obsessive, not natural.
It is natural for characters to be written with a normal amount of flaws, not an excessively higher amount then others characters which causes starlight drama to exist in the first place instead of just a vocal minority.
It is natural to want episodes other then the mane 6…when we have a plethora of characters with working back stories worth exploring before starlight glimmer was written in as a trusted protagonist within a two minute musical montage.
Your strawmanning this argument when everyone is already self-aware of the real issues, whether they agree OR don’t.
What you recognize isn’t the same as what many others recognize, you know this, but you pretend to ignore the excess problems others see.
I don’t see the point in continuing this pointless strawman argument.
Wahaha! - Derpi Supporter
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
Preenhub - We all know what you were up to this evening~
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
Dream Come True! - Participated in the MLP 9th Anniversary Event
Economist -
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2019) - Celebrated Derpibooru's seventh year anniversary with friends
A Tale For The Ages - Celebrated MLP's 35th Anniversary and FiM's 8th Anniversary
Bronze Bit -
Sapphire -

ℜ𝔞𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔶 𝔟𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔭𝔬𝔫𝔶
Its a natural answer when a character oneself like it is attacked by its writing. I recognize Starlight has some flaws. almost at the same quantity like mane6, Celestia, Spike, etc. But the show wants more characters with centric episodes, like Discord, Big Mac and Starlight. I know some people wanted only the mane6 were the main characters (But Twilight at the last seasons). The bas is the writers suffered limits by the rating and the Hasbro mandatories. Starlight is the result of that pressure to continue the show and EG at the same time.
Background Pony #1490
>her dialogue is more stilted and unnatural then other characters  
Not him but hey I disagree

Ain’t that a bit hypocritical?
Cloudkicker108, it is true necro-posting is mostly frowned upon. However, not everyone finds the same image on the same day and may have something to say regardless. It’s inevitable, people have moods and reasons to say such stuff.
But you? You almost NEVER miss a chance to create more drama replying to a poster AND necroposter alike who DARES insult or bash Starlight, and verbally kick their teeth in for doing so. This isnt about limited restraint, you have almost zero restraint. Reply notificatuons for Starlight pictures are a horror story written by you because we know that if anyone says something routinely negative (that’s also inevitable, even you have admitted before her dialogue is more stilted and unnatural then other characters), you will be there to create more critic-hater drama, which can be just as bad, if not worse, then hater drama.
Being too defensive of any character CAN be a bad thing. The more you defend, the more people will push back.
So how about we have less arguments for a while.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday

@Loading Screen DX  
I see. I appreciate you clarifying that your comment was made in part because you were in a bad mood that day and not just purely out of hatred. I hope that in the future, though, you can learn to restrain your emotions a little bit better. Starting up an old argument that people have long since chosen to move on from is ultimately beneficial to no one.
Loading Screen DX
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Dude I was really salty that day and wasn’t thinking what I was saying.
Not my best moment, though I’m coming clean off anon. I do think she was better as a filthy commie.
The filthy commie I fell in love with.
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.

Right About Everything
…27 days later, and I only just realized you called her “Starlight Shimmer” here.
I am honestly astounded I don’t do that more often.