Background Pony #B74B
…and that was the moment Twilight knew she f*cked up
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Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
Solar Guardian - Refused to surrender in the face of the Lunar rebellion and showed utmost loyalty to the Solar Empire (April Fools 2023).
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

IRL 🎠 stallion
Background Pony #929A
@Background Pony #EA5C  
Discord’s not trying seek true redemption or ‘the right path’ like these 3 are. He would kill himself before he resolved himself to be a goody two-shoes. Discord is older then practically anybody else, has more power then most. He’s content with being ‘chaotic neutral with friends’, and follow the trickster path of making his friends feel bad just by looking at themselves, but just enough so that they have the chance to better themselves.
Starlight may be condensed, molded, character-growth-skipped-ahead and retconned into a character unrecognizable from her original older cult leader character, but she still has better moral instincts then Trixie, and far better normal instincts then Twilight. Trixie’s life has sucked too much for her too have the best moral instincts, and Twilight’s life is far too perfect for her to have any instincts beyond what she’s gained and lost again in the past year or two in Ponyville.
Background Pony #6543
Twilight’s natural skill set is magic. Magic is minute precise control of the world. This explains her natural micromanagement bias.
Twilight’s assigned role is friendship. Friendship is about allowing, trusting, and giving equal power to others.
Both ideas have a contradictory fundamental mind set.
If Twilight does not keep in mind that friendship/allowance overrules magic/control she will collapse back into control. Successful control leads to elitism and therefore evil.
I wonder if Celestia set up Twilight as Princess of Friendship to counter her natural magic/controlling/elitist leaning inner nature.
Having said all that, no one expects Starlight or Trixie to be skilled in the Magic of Friendship, but everyone expects Twilight to have mastered Friendship (being the Princess of it). Twilight fell the farthest, and so for me is the most to blame. Trixie provided an opportunity to Twilight to choose her path and Twilight chose the wrong one, see above. Starlight, being significantly more humble than the other two, had the most success because she was the most allowing/friendly, despite significant odds.
Well done Starlight.
What about discord
Deactivated Account

forgets everything
There’s probably a fallacy somewhere here.Better check Wikipedia
Texas sharpshooter fallacy? Confirmation bias?


@Background Pony #CA28  
So, what do we do? Take him at his word and follow the writer’s (stated) intent, or say, “No, it HAS to be a suicide episode… It’s so obviously about suicide.”
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@Background Pony #A296  
I guess “Friendship is a Subdivision of Magic” didn’t screen well.
Background Pony #6B45
Spell Magic comes from an individual (egocentric). Friendship Magic comes indirectly via Harmony. Harmony is symbolised by the Tree and the Elements and are external to individuals and individual goals.

@Background Pony #A296  
If magic and friendship involve contradictory mindsets, how come Friendship is Magic?
…but yeah, Twilight is a total control freak. That seems to be common among unicorns.
Background Pony #6B45
Twilight’s natural skill set is magic. Magic is minute precise control of the world. This explains her natural micromanagement bias.
Twilight’s assigned role is friendship. Friendship is about allowing, trusting, and giving equal power to others.
Both ideas have a contradictory fundamental mind set.
If Twilight does not keep in mind that friendship/allowance overrules magic/control she will collapse back into control. Successful control leads to elitism and therefore evil.
I wonder if Celestia set up Twilight as Princess of Friendship to counter her natural magic/controlling/elitist leaning inner nature.
Having said all that, no one expects Starlight or Trixie to be skilled in the Magic of Friendship, but everyone expects Twilight to have mastered Friendship (being the Princess of it). Twilight fell the farthest, and so for me is the most to blame. Trixie provided an opportunity to Twilight to choose her path and Twilight chose the wrong one, see above. Starlight, being significantly more humble than the other two, had the most success because she was the most allowing/friendly, despite significant odds.
Well done Starlight.
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
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Smolder is a cutie
Crimson Prose
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Gore Fics For Fun
I wonder how Celestia reacted once she found out about this (and was alone with Twilight so she didn’t have to smile for her subjects). Maybe they didn’t show it because it would have included non-kid-friendly language from Celestia :p  
Seriously, even without the suicide attempt, I would have been furious in Celestia’s place. Especially since Twilight did it to try and look impressive in front of Celestia, with no regard for the well-being of her student or Trixie.

@Background Pony #5833  
That’s basically what happened. Dark for MLP…

I knew I wasn’t the only one that thought this.

@Background Pony #B057  
I haven’t meant many bronies that define Twilight a Mary Sue by ‘she never do something wrong’. Don’t know who started the rumor there.
While the definition of Mary Sue is a bit murky, the general use of it towards Twilight is either
  1. She is a person who makes tons of mistakes but never has to experiance any repurcussions
  2. She is too often considered the solution to everything even when it makes no sense.
  3. She has more good forture then 99.9999% of people could ever have, and she solely profits from many of the team efforts
    Its usually something along those lines. (#2 might be confused with the initial assumption, but it most certainly isn’t the same) Whether either or any of these apply to the definition of Mary Sue, if there even is an exact definition, its sort of irrelevant. All of these apply to Twilight, and none of them are under any circumstance good things in terms of character. As we know, Amending Fences was the first solid episode to escape that pattern. And What about Discord and No Second Prances were not far behind, even though they had blame shifted to Discord at the very end of the former, and had Trixie kiss Twilight’s ass in the ending lines in the latter.
    Either way, I agree with @headlessrainbow, its a step in the right direction. Based on Twilight and Celestia’s behavior in the most recent episode, we might actually be getting close to a Celestia/Twilight episode where they confront Twilight’s need to obsessively please Celestia. Even though such an episode has not been announced yet, I look forward to the possibility. There is so much potential in the aftermath of the story once the characters are allowed to question almost anything in Equestria.
Background Pony #C3A5
Dont worry,the term Mary Sue will be redefined by the same old armchair analyst to somehow make it fit to Twilight  
-She’s a Mary Sue,she never do something wrong  
-(do something wrong)  
-W-well you see sometimes the writer make those character mess something so the audience dont think it’s a Mary Sue  
There’s probably a fallacy somewhere here.Better check Wikipedia
Crimson Prose
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice

Gore Fics For Fun
I actually like that Twilight screwed up so colossally. It means not everything she does turns out perfectly and makes her less of a Mary Sue.
Background Pony #798F
Trixie: Starlight wait! I am your friend…
Twilight Sparkle: Congratulations Trixie you won…I hope you feel proud of yourself.
Trixie: …
Twilight: Well!?
Trixie: …Proud of myself…Twilight, do you know how long it’s been since I truly felt “Proud of myself”?
Twilight: Uhhh…30 seconds ago?
Trixie: …I’m going to kill myself now. Goodbye. (Leaves)

@Background Pony #E155  
Kind of overly optimistic don’t you think? By the time Starlight decided she wasn’t going to go to the party, Twilight had already made it perfectly clear she wasn’t interested in being friends with Trixie and didn’t want Starlight to be friends with Trixie. She ignored Starlight’s repeated requests to trust Trixie, so why would Twilight ever want to break something off with Celestia for someone she already didn’t like?
I have a few theories of why out of all people, Trixie is like oil and fire to Twilight and gets under her skin even easier then Discord, whether Trixie is trying or not, but right now they’re still just theories. Nothing substantial.
Background Pony #572D
I think if Starlight had told Twilight that she wouldn’t be attending the dinner so she could help out her new friend, Twilight would have at least begrudgingly accepted this excuse and passed the message on to the more understanding Celestia.

@Background Pony #B057  
Is that better or worse? That isn’t a rhetorical question, I’m honestly not sure myself.
Twilight did completely ignore starlight’s judgement and trixie’s capacity for good, but at the time shown above she was even more angry it was messing up her impressions with celestia for a forced, surprise dinner that even the episode acknowledged as a high stress and unreasonable situation.
Background Pony #C3A5
This bullshit right here in the pic,she didnt scold her because she made friends with Trixie,she scold her BECAUSE SHE DITCHED HER AT THE DINNER

Her only pupil almost destroyed the timeline; in the current timeline, she started a cult that had a brainwashing room. It’s weird that she would be very forgiving of that, but not of the far more minor things that Trixie did when she wasn’t even in control of herself…