Background Pony #5CF0
@Background Pony #3175
If you have any suggestions for things I can include in my future writings, let me know and I’ll add them. :)
Background Pony #5CF0
@Background Pony #3175
I’ll make sure to include that in my next writing. But I love the idea. :D
Background Pony #AC59
@Background Pony #ED62  
Que Containment Breach :P
Background Pony #5CF0
I apologize if any mathematical errors were made in the previous writing.
Background Pony #5CF0
Another different scenario: Warning: long.
This picks up right after the following line down below:
Me: Explains the situation, detail by detail. Hugs Woona. No matter what, Woona, I’ll be okay. I promise.
Four hours pass
Time of arrest: 11:08 AM, Friday.  
Current time: 3:11 PM, Friday.
I awaken from a deep sleep. In the time I had spent asleep, documented as the following time being approximately 1:03 PM, I had been hugging Woona for approximately 10 or 14 minutes; what I didn’t know was the fact that Woona was scheduled to be interrogated by the SCP members at approximately 2:51.
Me: Sits down next to Woona, then almost without knowing, I hug her.
Woona: Kisses me softly on the cheek
Me: Blushes a bit
Me: In a calm voice Woona, please listen to me. I understand if you’re scared, but no matter what happens, I promise I will be okay. I don’t want the SCP to ever hurt you, because I’m worried about you. I care about and I love you very much. But I’m very, very scared that the SPC is going to do very hurtful things to you, and I don’t want that to happen to you. Holds one of her hooves Remember…I love you.
2:51. Woona’s interrogation proceeds. Throughout the whole time, I’m with her, holding one of her hooves. The interrogation concludes at 3:46 PM.
I end up being charged with three counts of violating the Pony Owner’s Act, and a count of possession of a weapon. No mattered how many times I tried to say it was to protect myself, the SCP was not having it. Woona is charged with five counts of violating the Pony Owner’s Act, two counts of resisting arrest, and a count of first degree battery. She said it was in self-defence, but the SCP also would refuse to have any, if at all, of our stories that we told them. We were both ultimately sentenced to roughly five days incarceration at the SCP complex. In addition, we get told our sentence officially begins in six days time.
Four hours pass
Current time: 7:23 PM. I’m back at my place, comforting, and cuddling Woona, while also simultaneously trying not to think about the horrors that would be soon to come in the next six days.
What will happen next?
Background Pony #5CF0
I apologize for all errors found in my writings.
Background Pony #5CF0
*Woona. Darn it.
Background Pony #5CF0
Correction: my second or third scenario that I wrote.
Background Pony #5CF0
@Background Pony #3175  
You know, in my first writing, I was going to include that, but I thought that if I just wrote it without giving credit to Background Pony #F990, that meant I would be flagged, so I left it out.
Background Pony #5CF0
*Wonka. My phone kind of messed up the writing. Sorry about that.
Background Pony #5CF0
@Background Pony #3175  
Do you think I should continue my scenario writings? I think I should. But I’ll remember not to post too many at once, just to be sure. :-)
Background Pony #5CF0
Background Pony #5CF0
*Not be afraid.
Background Pony #AC59
@Background Pony #ED62  
Ehhh, considering SCP, I figured they just give you class a amnesic drugs while taking her away, so you’d never know she was taken…
Background Pony #5CF0
If the scenario I previously wrote prior had gone a different way, here’s how I think it would’ve gone (and apologies for any errors in my last comment) Warning: Long.
This picks up after the first line below.
Me: Grabs Glock, puts a silencer on it, and then hides it behind my back Takes a slow breath as I open the door
Me: Morrrning, fellas. What seems to be the problem on a day this beautiful?
SPC: Hello there, Mr. Unknown. Listen, we’ve been receiving some calls from around the neighborhood about you possibly keeping a pony on the grounds.
Me: That would depend if you think I’m a guy who would keep a pony in his house or not.
SPC: Do you mind if we investigate your house to see if you are in possession of one? Please be advised, Mr. Unknown, that you will possibly be arrested and interrogated if you have been found to own one.
Me: No, no, not at all. Go nuts.
About an hour passes
SPC: Well, we’ve come back with the results. Your house has been found to have been having a pony detected on the grounds. Mr. Unknown, I apologize, but I’m afraid we we will no choice other than to have you placed under arrest.
Me: What? That’s absurd! I found Woods on the street. It’s not my fault!
SCP: No matter the reason, Mr. Unknown, this still constitutes as a violation of the Pony’s Owner Act, Section 2A, paragraph three, found of page number 271. Eyes me suspiciously Do you have a weapon behind your back?
Me: You don’t have to do this to her.
SCP: Mr. Unknown, we have no choice.
Me: No, you don’t understand. I found her and I love her. I took her in because I feared for her safety when I saw her like the way I found her. And if anything happens to her, I will not. be afraid to infiltrate the complex and release any and all contained SCPs.
SCP: That’s still no excuse for ignoring the Act. We will hereby arrest and charge you with violating the Pony’s Owner Act and a count of possession of a weapon. We will also reserve the right to interrogate you.
Me: I get arrested Woona is also taken by the SCP I end up being interrogated for two hours while Woona awaits outside of the Interrogation Room’s door, scared.
SCP: Mr. Unknown, we ultimately have no choice but to sentence you to a penalty of five days of imprisonment and a fine of roughly $500 for violations. Your sentencing will begin in six days. If you get into further troubles during the time until your imprisonment, we will charge you with an additional three days. Is this clear now?
Me: In submission Yes.
SPC: Good. I’m glad that we now understand one another. You may now have our permission to leave.
Me: Thank you. Closes door Sits down next to Woona, with my head lowered down in sadness
Woona: What’s wrong?
Me: Explains the situation, detail by detail. Hugs Woona No matter what, Woona, I’ll be okay. I promise.
What happens next?
Background Pony #AC59
@Background Pony #ED62  
As if SCP wouldn’t take along some equipment to detect magical users…
Background Pony #5CF0
Another potential scenario (warning: long.)
It’s around 10:30 AM on a Friday. I’m at my place, cuddling Woona after an amazing first date.
All goes good, until I hear something.
It’s a knock on my front door.
Except I know that knock when I hear it. It’s from that Secure Contain and Protect corporation or some stuff.
I immediately realize my SCP plan I set up last week.
SCP: SCP. Open up!
Me: Yeah, I’m on my way; just give me a second. Looks at Woona Okay, Woona, I’m going to be right back. Someone or something is here, and I’m gonna try and go answer it. You remember what I’ve taught you to do if you hear a knock and you don’t know who it’s from, right?
Woona: Nods at me
Me: Good girl. Softly pats her You stay here, and I’ll be back. I promise.
Me: Grabs Glock, puts a silencer on it, and then hides it behind my back Takes a slow breath as I open the door
Me: Morrrning, fellas. What seems to be the problem on a day this beautiful?
SPC: Hello there, Mr. Unknown. Listen, we’ve been receiving some calls from around the neighborhood about you possibly keeping a pony on the grounds.
Me: That would depend if you think I’m a guy who would keep a pony in his house or not.
SPC: Do you mind if we investigate your house to see if you are in possession of one? Please be advised, Mr. Unknown, that you will possibly be arrested and interrogated if you have been found to own one.
Me: No, no, not at all. Go nuts.
About an hour later
SPC: Well, we’ve come back with the results. Your house has been found to have no ponies on the property. We apologize if we caused a confusion.
Me: No need to. I understand. We all make mistakes at some point or another.
SPC: Alright then. We hope you have a great rest of your day, Mr. Unknown.
Me: Thank you.
Closes the door and tiptoes back to Woona
Me: It’s okay, Woona, you can come out now. They can’t hurt you anymore. Hugs her and continues cuddling her.
Thank you Background Pony #F990 for inspiring this comment.
Background Pony #5CF0
*Woona. Please forgive me.
Background Pony #5CF0
Another scenario of what I would do:
  1. I would tell Wonka I would be right back.  
  2. Grab my silenced Glock and hide it so I’m not arrested.  
  3. Answer.  
  1. Pray to God Woona isn’t found.
Background Pony #5CF0
I would grab a bat in case things got extreme, answer the door, and then simply say “You don’t have to do this to her. I found her, and I love her. And if anything happens to her, I will break in and release all SPCs contained.”

Simple, say that if she goes I go, if they say no well. (demonic voice) THERE ARE MORE WORSE FAITHS THEN DEATH, AND WHEN I SAY WORSE I MEAN (deeper voice) WORSE!!!!!!
Background Pony #3588
:grabs an axe: if you take her. ill go to your place and brake out all your dangerous creatures.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Obscure references FTW
@Evil Emperor Proteus  
We should have gotten the Colonel to stop this from getting too silly.
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Not a Llama - Happy April Fools Day!

Obscure references FTW
@Background Pony #E9CB  
I’d let them take her, as long as I can forget about the whole thing and get on with my life. I’d rather be dealing with Torchwood, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Background Pony #BF33
Welp, it was good knowing you Luna!
Noone stands in the way of the foundation.
If they find out about her at my place, best case scenario, they will wipe my memory.  
Worst case? I forcefully become a part of the foundation, probably as a D-class.