forget this comment, meant to put it on a different version of this pic where we’re discussing something to call her that would work better.
what about nightmare adamas, or nightmare rarus, or something that isn’t english because english sounds like crap most of the time.
ooh, how about nightmare vitreum? they obviously want to keep the “nightmare” bit, so we need to find something that doesn’t sound tacky when next to it.
Am I the only one who keeps picturing a version of “Friends on the Other Side” with Rarity filling in for both Naveen and Lawrence, and a nightmare based on Darkrai filling in for Dr. Facilier?
I just like that fanon, if in the end it’s not that way, like if the show says she became Nightmare Moon because of different reasons or this becomes canon, okay then, I just liked that fanon personally.
@Background Pony
I think your forgetting that this is a comic book.
You know the same medium where a giant fear eating space worm turning a character evil can be considered plausible.
@Background Pony
Cept it was never really made clear at any point that, that was what actually happened. The fact the elements didn’t kill/imprison her, but rather ‘cured’ her was also a pretty big tell I think. The elements don’t SEEM to be able to just mind rape people to be good, they didn’t do on discord anyway, so that leaves them purging some malevolent influence from her as the logical explanation.
Nightmare as a quasi-independent entity was also a very common fanon idea, so clearly allot of people thought the same and liked the idea.