@Background Pony #CB97
Yeah, G4 will not die in comics because it’s the most successful MLP generation just like Transformers G1, that thing never dies despiste there are a lot of generations.
I bet even in G5 there still be G4 comics but i don’t think from IDW at all, i think the next publisher would be Boom Studios if the things went wrong.
And yeah, IDW is very dump in their decisions and was very irresponsible with the online comics (Like, remember when issue 77 can be downloaded free with Issuu?). Things like being 90% external IPs instead of original ones like Lock & Key and don’t think well with the Netflix deal (where from the 3 series, only one was a success) just put them in red numbers.
IDW may disappear in the next year. As a result of irresponsible online sharing, many comic book companies have had trouble making enough money from their publications because interest in the United States seemed to be declining rapidly. In France and other countries, laws have been introduced banning the sharing of copyrighted books and comics in Europe, and it seemed to work very well as now only older comics that are not for sale are shared on European websites. It is possible that the United States will have to do the same.
If IDW disappeared, we could get many smaller companies that thus have to compete with each other, and that could raise the quality of both artists and writers. It’s going to be sad; but when it is no longer possible to steal material for uncontrolled sharing online, the entertainment industry may re-emerge.
Also, the American comics need to be reformed, they can not have 22-page issues every month, in Europe it is very common with biseries in the same issue in addition to the main story. The case of S10 has shown this; multiple issues are not long enough. It’s time for Americans to follow the international trend in comics. The success behind MLP: Manga shows it, greater content and variety is important along with high quality of both art and story.
New times are coming, and unfortunately I am not optimistic because it will be very tough for the Americans - and the rest of the world for the next few years. G4 will return with G1 and G5 when the world will wake up.
So there it is … The S10 was meant to continue until the G5 TV series came out. At first it went well, but then came the covid-19 pandemic and something reminiscent of the collapse of the comic book market, at the same time as Hasbro began to behave erratically. Whitney messed it up very badly with his script on how the S10 will be, so that it ended after only half a season with 13 issues. S10 was meant to discover the world, he took it away and made it his personal project and ignored the established lore created by the show. In addition, it was clear that the crew behind IDW G4 had gotten into serious trouble as seen around the treatment of a promising artist and attempts to take in untested artists. I hope that all the artists will then be better treated in line with these qualities and work ethic in the future at IDW or others.
Then the third and final season of G4.5 “Pony Life” is unexpectedly canceled. Then IDW received an order from Hasbro to end the FiM series, which was very good for them as it was not just sales that went badly. But the marketing of the new movie that will launch G5 in September 2021, has become erratic, so that toys and other things came out in advance before anyone has even seen anything about how the movie will be. The summer holidays have started and it is definitely not promising for the G5 movie. The frustration grows. Interest in the G5 may fall in favor of others.
The new series seems to be an emergency solution to maintain interest, not least based on the success behind MLP: Manga which had come as a great surprise to most fans. A large number of questions from the show - not least Cozy Glow - will thus remain unanswered, which can be harmful in the long run. But I do not think the G4 comics will be put to death completely; there is a strong possibility that IDW or others will take over the license and continue G4 as seen with the Transformers intended for a slightly older audience. Unfortunately, it may be many years into the future.
For Hasbro’s strategy of clearing away everything to just have the G5, could end in failure - the plan is to have three seasons in the first place. And they should rather not let the production team behind the G5 make the same mistakes as those behind the S7-S9 in the G4, which left a long list of questions and controversies. If the G5 is to be a success, interest must be maintained - and it is a vague signal from Pencils that IDW may have plans for G5 comics between the movie and the TV series.
Perhaps IDW`s problem is that it has too broad a spectrum for its intended readers from toddlers to teenagers and adults - and thus not decided which reading group to concentrate on, so that dark issues and very rosy issues are in the same series . The success behind G4 for hands on Faust was to move away from the toddler level and partly resume G1’s darker side from the 1980s.
G4 will not disappear. Many will discover this in many years from now.
@Macaroni C-Pony
I would love to see that too. Honestly my dream crossover would be a MLP/Sonic/TMNT three way crossover. It would be a fascinating balance of styles of storytelling.
@Background Human
Also if you see My Father Tell Him I Love Him And I Have Faith in him and I hope he knows because He Loves And Has Faith in Me too #ZpozForever!
@Background Human
Alright y’all let’s take a vote if someone is inventing a portal to equestria And many other worlds(including that from Equestria Girls)in another universe and the portable if not small portal is in the middle of being completed and they have to summon one female character from those worlds which one will you choose?
1:Marble pie(G4) Pipp Petals(G5) And 3:Potion Nova(G4.5) You Decide! And I can’t wait to hear from you in the next 2 hours
@Background Pony #4A18
Part of me can’t help but think that it’s because Season 10’s main plot was pretty lackluster. Characters from a different nation become Elements of Harmony thanks to their very own Tree of Harmony. Rinse and repeat four times!
Or maybe sales were already in decline before and Season 10 was an attempt to boost sales again.
In any case, it’s still amazing that these comics lasted this long. They had it’s ups and downs but more than 100 issues is something to be proud off.
@Sonic Ranger
Well yes because I was talking specifically about Pony characters because Megan Molly and Danny have direct counterparts in G4 in Equestria Girls, though we technically don’t see Molly or Danny they are referenced in the Comic.