Background Pony #A691
See here and here

Ponies also have no lady or man bits either. I am not evens sure if I have ever seen a toilet in any of the episodes, so maybe noone produces waste in MLP. Yes, it’s all coming together.
Background Pony #EC6E
He has it tucked in his scale belly pocket like in Dragon Tales
Craig A

Maybe its a hidden red rocket :O
Background Pony #D25B
A screenshot from a show that has a PG rating and who’s target audience is children…
No shit Sherlock. ;)  
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Birthday Cake - Celebrated MLP's 7th birthday
Happy Derpy! -
Platinum bit -
Emerald -
Artist -

Of course not, he has a Weird Lizzer Hole™.