I don’t feel strongly enough about this to change the tag back to “safe.” Better safe than sorry, I suppose. Still makes a strong argument, though.
I personally think non-sexualized animal teats included solely for anatomical accuracy should get a “suggestive” rating rather than a “questionable” one, because the “questionable” guidelines say “nipples on breasts.”
Yeah, as far as I’m aware, there’s no exception in the rules for teats like there is for sheaths, but if I’m wrong, feel free to change it back.
I legitimately did not notice them until you pointed it out. I think the context and composition of the image, as well as the stylized appearance of the teats, both of which actively draw attention away from them, make a strong argument for the “safe” rating. They’re there if you look, but they’re nothing to write home about, and definitely not the focus of the image.
Much like how a stylized sheathe on a male can also qualify for the “safe” rating.
For those wishing to know, I believe this image is refering to “Lovely Little Letters” by Backlash91 on FIMfiction. A rather cute story that now has an equally adorable picture ^^