@Background Pony #9B82
I know. The Spa Ponies should’ve been in Rarity’s square, and Gilda should’ve been in Rainbow’s square instead of Pinkie’s, and Strongheart should’ve been in Rainbow’s square instead of Applejack’s.
I want to point out that aside from having Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, Applejack had the least trouble filling up her wall. Twilight’s is good too but she’s blocking a lot and needs more fill in. Rainbow Dash makes the the least sense and has several characters that are not involved with her.
@Iron Storm
They have the least character development of all.
At least Twilight’s parents got one episode.
And AJ had an entire subplot dedicated to her late parents. They’re DEAD
@Background Pony #32B3
Raritys parents are notable for being more of being no-shows then being a part of the show. They barely had any affect in Raritys life.
On a side note, this probably ends the debate of which of the Student 6 matches which of the M6.
Silverstream - Pinkie - Laughter
Sandbar - Fluttershy - Kindness
Smolder - Rainbow - Loyalty
Yona - Applejack - Honesty
Ocellus - Rarity - Generosity
Gallus - Twilight - Magic
That’s cool and I’m for it but what does it have to do with the fandom being given the chance to add more characters in these walls of characters?
Well the IDW Comics have confirmed that they will continue onwards into their own season 10, so we could say that the events of those particular comics take place before the epilogue.
@Background Pony #A6EA
It’s not about being a good guy but having an affect on the characters lives. He did have a affect on Fluttershys life. Enough that she did become more assertive.