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@Background Pony #2123  
@Background Pony #D373
Wow. Really? Let’s just wait for the end of the show and see what the crew will give us? Right now, they are just best friends? Seriously, by saying right now like that and by saying wait and see until the end like that? That does not help. You still all don’t understand that this is just a kids show about friendship. This isn’t your animated drama shows that we all used to watch back then. This is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. And by the looks of the discussions, some of you people have forcefully asked and demand the writers to put the mane 6 in a relationship with someone in the final season. And even forcing them to make your precious Fluttercord shipping canon. This is ridiculous. How about, let the writers support friendship only on the mane 6 instead. And keep Fluttershy and Discord to be best friends forever. You have treated this show like every old and new Disney Channel and Cartoon Network shows that we watched. Honestly, how would kids’ parents feel if they see a thousand year old creature like Discord dating a young adult mare like Fluttershy? I hate to imagine them being so angry. Don’t give me this Discord is immortal thing. I don’t care. You’re treating this show like Doctor Who as well, just because Discord is immortal, which is so stupid. Again, it’s a kids show. My god, I could barely watch Season 9 or barley think about Fluttershy with all this controversy. You all don’t own this show and neither do I. Hasbro does. Just let the writers work and finish this show. I’m not okay for the mane 6 to be in a romance material. But I am okay for background to be romance material. Just let the crew keep the mane 6 friendship material. Same goes to Fluttershy and Discord, and let them be best buddies for god sakes. “Man, this fandom has gotten more toxic than I thought. I knew this would happen.”
Background Pony #7522
You’re right, I think I personnaly see those things as crushing only because I ship them actually x)
@Background Pony #2123  
I agree! Let’s just wait for the end of the show and see what the crew will give us :)
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@Background Pony #2123  
Right now, they are just best friends.
Background Pony #5B7E
Nothing’s canon until its canon. All the ‘hints’ some people think the staff is leaving them really don’t mean anything until something is actually announced as official. All the looks and occasional blush here and there aren’t necessarily a guaranteed sign of anything. Could it mean something more? Sure, but its just as likely the show ends and all of our ships, aside from those already official(ie. SugarMac, ShiningDance, Cranky x Matilda, ect), are rendered nothing more than fanon.
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@Background Pony #D373  
You have a lot of good points there but about the S9 premiere, she does that a lot during the show, it could mean anything right there. Just happy to see friend, sad because he got shot, or anything. They could just be best friends.
Background Pony #7522
Well like the other person sayed, in The Breakup Breakdown episode, Spike did point out Discord’s possible crush on Fluttershy and his quest in the episode was to prove that Discord does believe in love, which is the case at the end of the episode.  
Also, Spike sayed exactly the reason why SugarBelle sayed “we’re finished” (though that could have been a simple very lucky and right guess) but yea Spike do have some kind of ability to be right about things.
So now my point is, if Spike, a canon character from the show suggest that Discord have a crush, then it means that this relation is possible and not creepy to his eyes. (And so to the writers’s eyes that is)
But like you said, if the couple in question don’t show signs there is no point …
But as we can see in s9 premiere Fluttershy seems to have some feelings for Discord, she always smiles when he is around, she blush, she cried a lot when he got shot, she motivates (idk what word would describe it better ^^’) his faking actions “he didn’t because he cares UwU” while everyone was mad at him …
Something tells me that Andrea Libman’s revelation about Fluttershy’s secret isn’t a total lie … ;)
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@Background Pony #FDFF  
Spike did he say something about it but about the good eye for romance? C’mon.
Anybody from the show could say the same thing but it won’t prove anything until both Discord or/and Fluttershy show signs.
Background Pony #A887
Spike think they do and he has a good eye when it comes to romance. Whether he was wrong or right is meant to be seen.
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@Background Pony #FDFF  
The closest thing we had to a canon shipping is Cadance and Shining and Sugarmac. From there any possible ship will stay in the fandom away from the show as how it is supposed to be.
Even if Big Jim said as an “opinion” that they are just friends do you really think they are going to be together? Because they haven’t showed each other signs of love and stuff…
Background Pony #A887
Its the biggest ship with Sparity and Rarijack. Its foolish to think that someone casually sinking any of them would be met with cheering and flowers. Years ago i remember Amy Keating Rogers got a lot of flak for sinking Sparity by saying that he is too young and that was even logical. But the backlash was so strong, both her and McCarthy backed away and claimed that its still possible. And that was like during the 4th or 5th season. Now this is the last season so obviously people going to be nervous with the Pipular Ships. Big Jim like any other show staffer on any other cartoon with shipping fandom, should just keep his mouth shut until it ends. And thats basically what he did.
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  1. Lyra and Bon Bon are only friends too. Nobody has confirmed anything
  2. Pretty sure the writers are not planning neither seeing something special with Discoshy
  3. Pretty sure that person is upset rather than concerned. Plus, a lot of people has been going apeshit because of this ship not being confirmed as canon. Pretty much like the EQG fanboys who cried until somebody told them that EQG was canon.
Background Pony #D63F
Background Pony #A887
Jim is not a writer. He state his opinion on how he see things. In his eyes also Lyra and Bon Bon are platonic even if the fandom doesn’t see them that way. And nobody is forcing it in that tweet. Just a concerned person trying to clarify that he wasn’t officially talking about S9 but only about previous episodes.
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@Background Pony #FDFF  
Writers already made clear that they are just friends, people are trying to force the shipping.
And no, it isn’t part of a story. It’s only a non-canon shipping.
Background Pony #A887
@Background Pony #5FDF  
Discoshy isn’t a ship. Its a part of the story. People don’t force it, they just want to see some conclusion to it. Half of the Zootopia fandom want to see Nick and Judy together. Doesn’t mean they are forcing it.
Background Pony #D63F
This is why we can’t have nice things. Good grief, people, it’s a children’s cartoon. Can we stop forcing ships?
The ONLY reasonable comment.
Background Pony #7EC0
One more thing, stop treating this show like Doctor Who or X-Files or any other drama shows too, and stop treating this show like every single movies as well. I am sick and tired of this. This is a kids show about friendship for crying out loud, and I don’t care what kind of smartass crap you guys have to say. I don’t care anymore. This is my last comment. And please don’t even bother to reply to my last comment.
Background Pony #A887
@Background Pony #E009  
We get it. You hate older people dating younger women. It is your issue that you need to get over. Stop projecting your phobias onto FlutterCord relationship. Watch Doctor Who/Rose or any Hercules movie that shows Zeus and Hercules mother because thats the relationship they going with. Immortals can’t age so Discord is only an “old man” by the definition of time but physically he is forever around 30-40
Background Pony #B539
@Background Pony #1661  
no, any boy or girl of any age goes into college as high school. I met a 16 year old girl in college and a 20 year old girl in high school, that was before since I was younger. All that happens in the real world. Seriously the mane 6 look much older and young adults. but we are not talking about that.
Background Pony #F74F
@Background Pony #E009  
none of the mane six are teenagers in mlp fim just ask the writers and developer themselves and it was never displayed or implied to be such seeing as how all of them live on their own. Characters like sandbar and the others are teenagers. why i said it’d be weird in EQ but not weird in mlp fim. its a common based fact that most people attend college around 19 to 20 if not later because it’s hard to just get into college right away after highschool because money and surely he must have snaked his parents into getting him money and staying attheir house all the time. and how people usually graduated highschool at 18 and from what we see her parents are alot older looking and seeming the the other mane six parents since her father is going into “retirement” which is usually the age where elders retire so fluttershy might be older than we think.
Background Pony #B539
@Background Pony #1661  
friend, they all look young adults and older (but they are teenagers I never said they weren’t). Some of them of any age as the real world go to high school and collage. And discord in the human version is old man and i know they’re just best friends.
Background Pony #F74F
@Background Pony #FDFF  
yeah i don’t think discoshy would be acceptable in EQ obviously BECAUSE we all know the “immortals” would play adult roles as the same as they do in FIM but with everyone else in Equestria they pay teen roles BECAUSE when they are sent through the portal they take on a teen form because they have to be sent somewhere, where luna and celestia are the “higher up authority” which initially takes the form of “principal” because let’s be honest, it’s more realistic then saying oh hey twilight and the mane six are friends with the president of the country and vice president which is why they chose to host it at a school because it had to have had the complex where Celestia and Luna “rule” over something and which case would take the form of a school. but im mlp they are all grown adults as said by the writer Meghan Mcarthy on video while shooting down Sparity and the main developer Lauren Faust. they own houses of their own, have their own jobs, make their own money, fluttershy most likely being the oldest for reasons you should already know do to the cutiemark chronicles and her behavior. While her brother is implied to be in “college” main therapy school which isnt a class in highschool but college and she is OLDER than him and her brother is already so old to. and they jabb at “old fluttershy” jokes all the time. plus humans aren’t ageless and immortal so that would just make him old or just a basic adult which wouldn’t be ok in EQ but in mlp fim yes it is acceptable and loved by a bunch of people. That and his “pony form” IN mlp fim is that of a young adult. plus dungeons and discords he catcalls a women nowhere near his age obviously BUT around the same facial age as fluttershy. so thats just my take on it
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Imagine committing suicide over a fictional shipping that literally no one cares if it’s canon or non-canon…
Background Pony #D5E8
@Background Pony #FDFF  
I’m not sure about that but it’s a good option