Background Pony #832F
If you hate Pinkie Keen cause of that bullshit moral or whatever then you’re a bigger tool
I don’t see how 2MPP isn’t PP. She was always airheaded.
I love how you say the gays were try hard when you love gags like mustache pp
but then again people that like William episodes like this and Dragon Quest have shit taste anyway
Background Pony #F996
@BP kappa  
HA! Great PP episodes? My ass. Pinkie Keen is by far the WORST episode he wrote. Not to mention that that was mainly a Twilight episode. Pinkie was the subject, but not the focus. Did you watch the episode?  
Also, 2MPP was a not a good episode because it wasn’t genuinely Pinkie Pie. She’s not that airheaded, and the gags were, trying too hard.
You’re really going to tell me that you enjoyed those PPs to Chancellor Puddinghead, over-worried Pinkie, and mustache Pinkie? You’re absolutely mad. Find a better reasoning for refuting my opinion.
Background Pony #F996
Same BP that replied to SBF1.
Since there was a different BP that said that this was a girl’s show, I retract the first piece of my post. Read from “The reason Fim…” on down. Apologies.
Also, you better not be talking down to people. Ad hominem never helps.
Background Pony #832F
>hates Dave’s Polsky great PP episodes  
>likes Merriwether’s PP
well you already have bad taste and shit arguments
Background Pony #F996
This is the BP that called FiM a kid’s show, NOT a GIRL’s show.
Did you even read my post? If you did, you would’ve read that. I said kid’s show. Face it. Hasbro and Lauren were targeting children with FiM.
The reason FiM took off is because Lauren took a cookie-cutter series and gave it a fresh twist. No longer was MLP a show full of rainbows, glitter, and sparkle. It became a cartoon. However, the bar was not completely lifted, because the show is still intended for children. The bar was heightened, however, it remains low still, allowing for low expectations. They’re not writing these shows for us; they’re writing them for the kids. If you go in thinking every episode is going to be a 9/10 (or so), there’s no DOUBT you’re going to get your feelings hurt.
I watch FiM because of the nostalgia. Cartoons never really blew down walls, but were always entertaining, and FiM is just that. Entertaining. I don’t expect it to pull 5 star writing at all, but I do expect to enjoy at least some of an episode.
MMDW was not that bad of an episode on its own. It’s not unlike Boast Busters. Also, for those of you complaining about the other 5 not acting like themselves, did you see the danger that Rainbow Dash ran into? If they hadn’t suited up, imagine what could’ve slipped through RD’s hooves. She couldn’t save the runaway cart, the construction workers, OR the dam! She was biting off more than she could chew. If MMDW wasn’t there, the episode would’ve been full of either death, or deus ex machinas. I prefer neither. Say what you will about MMDW; I enjoyed it.
Background Pony #F996
All this hate is absolutely ridiculous. Hearth’s Warming Eve is one of my favorite episodes. Did you even watch the episode? The Mane 6 are acting unlike themselves for the most part because they are literally ACTING. At the very beginning, and end of the episode, they are very much like themselves. And of course they portray characters that are ignorant. That’s how Hearth’s Warming Eve began! Gaw-lee! There’s gotta be darkness for the light to shine, you know? And if anything, the humor in her episodes is some of the best. I dislike Pinkie Pie, but in MW’s episode’s, I adore her.
MW is not the only writer that makes mistakes. Quit hating on her for one episode. Dave Polsky has written far worse episodes in my opinion (Feeling Pinkie Keen, Over a Barrel, Too Many Pinkie Pies). Just about every S1 episode was predictable from just the premise, and half of S2 was as well. If you want to talk about consistency, in over half the episodes, character development is no where to be found from previous episodes. Plus, who knows in what timeline order these episodes are even in! In S1, you have winter BEFORE fall for crying out loud!
Stop being so bitter.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

It’s a very telling thing that the one Merriwether episode everyone in the fandom (myself included) agrees is good is Hearth’s Warming Eve, and that episode depends entirely on the Mane 7 acting unlike themselves and has the biggest bunch of assholes in the entire show (those three racist scumbag leaders).
Her humor is not up to the intelligent standard displayed by other writers, she can’t maintain character consistency across her own episodes, let alone the other writers, her antagonists (and I consider Fluttershy the antagonist of “Hoof Down”, not Iron Will) lack the entertainment factor or charisma of characters like Trixie and Discord, and she takes wonderfully interesting premises and throws them away in favor of boring, canned cliche’s we’ve seen a billion times before with no new ideas added in.
I don’t hate the woman herself. I hate her pile of shit episodes with the intensity of a thousand suns, but I don’t hate her. She’s being paid to churn out this shit, so I get why she keeps making them. Hell, I’d even go do far as to say she might even make a good writer for a show the exact opposite of Friendship is Magic. But as it is right now, her style of writing is completely incompatible with everything that keeps this show from being like previous generations, and I hope someone upstairs eventually wakes up and gives her the boot.
Background Pony #832F
D50 in a previous Spike episode(Dragon Quest) it showed Spike been capable of cooking. In this episode why is he such an idiot and can barely cook. This show her goddamn inconsistency. She takes a flaw from a character and over-exaggerate it which makes them an unlikeable jackass. Case in point Mare Do Well.
The humor is so forced when she writes it. It feels like it should be in Spongebob but in there its fine cause the characters there are silly and supposed to comedic. In here its situational humor that does not work with any of the characters cause it contradicts previous episodes. Spike should not be fucking up simple task and looking like a idiotic tool. That does not work at all in this show.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

“I honestly don’t see anything inconsistent about her episodes. As far as I’m concerned, you’re just making it up.”
You could have asked, you know. Would have saved everyone a hell of a lot of trouble.
This may take a bit, so I’ll leave the list for another comment.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Uh, D50? He just gave you 3 easily reference-able, easily attributed and placed reasons why her episodes are lesser than others, and you’re dismissing it by basically claiming “Nuh uh!”
The gags she uses only ever happen in her episodes, it’s been unequivocally proven that she ignores lore to crate her own, and her episodes are known across the board for housing some of the nastiest character interpretations to date. Thank God they chose her for Hearth’s Warming Eve, because if there’s one thing she knows how to do, it’s write nasty characters.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Well background pony, I do hope that you do not have any friends in real life, because it’s obvious that you cannot fathom the BASIC UNDERLYING TRUST that goes along with friendship.
Everyone seemed to have enough patience with AJ to try and reason with her at least four times, but with RD, they assumed the worst of her and didn’t bother, instead going behind her back to undermine her, and then showing they’re no better than her by BRAGGING about their own accomplishments. How is that friendship?
And no, I will not get over it. It was a poorly written episode with a woeful execution. So get fucked, and have a happy new year.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

And that last BP comment is EXACTLY why I hate MW hate. Believe it or not there are people who enjoy her episodes and don’t tear them to shreds. I honestly don’t see anything inconsistent about her episodes. As far as I’m concerned, you’re just making it up. But on the off-chance you’re somehow right… so what? I enjoyed the episode. I’m supposed to feel bad about that?
My problem isn’t that people don’t like the episodes I like. That’s to be expected. It’s that they seem to be on a crusade to take down this one specific writer and make claims like her writing is objectively bad when you darn well can’t prove it.
Newsflash: writing cartoon episodes is a team effort. Heck, Spike At Your Service is actually blatantly credited to both Dave Polsky and Merriwether Williams, but only MW gets the hate.
Background Pony #832F
The fact that you guys defend her stupid inconsistent writing is pathetic and proves that this fanbase will eat shit up no matter how bad it actually is. Its sad.
She is an objectively worse writer than every other writer on the show. She’s inconsistent with characters,disregards lore establish in the show and adds stupid humor that is out of place in MLP and feels like it should be in Spongebob.
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@Background Pony:  
I didn’t want to continue talking down to people, since at this point the topic’s been beaten to death, but you pushed one button too many.
Yes, the show being predictable in the way SAYS was is bad. Do you know why? Because the writers have shown themselves to be far more competent before. The Pony fandom goes on and on about how great the show is, and you know what? It’s true! FiM’s writing is very good-quality considering that “it’s a little girls show” and that’s why I got interested in the show in the first place. Hell, isn’t that how the first sprout of the fanbase got interested? The fact that for a “little girls show”, it’s not a bunch of dumb, predictable shlock?
That’s why the “it’s a girls show” logic is flawed - because the show normally isn’t dumb, predictable shlock. You can’t go on and on about how the show is great despite being a “little girls show”, and then turn around and excuse the shitty episodes by saying that “it’s a little girls show”. That’s a ridiculously obvious double-standard and the fact that you’ve used it unironically just makes you look five different kinds of dumb.
That is why Williams’ is so disliked by people. It’s not just that she wrote Mare-Do-Well. It’s not just that she wrote one bad episode. It’s the fact that, in comparison to the standard of quality that the rest of the show’s writers set, Williams’ episodes don’t live up to snuff.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

i think some people wanted a scapegoat.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Alright, now this is just getting silly.
Artist -
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Return from the Darkness
1: Leave Merriweather Williams alone. She rolled a 1 when she wrote Mare Do Well, but has done nothing less than good with her other outings. Granted, she still takes characters away from their core traits–it was as if Spike couldn’t tell his hands from a hole in the ground sometimes–but, aside from a few minor nitpicks, the story worked.
2: CGI’s been used only a small handful of times, and, for the smaller Timber Wolves, it was very effective as far as this episode is concerned.
Stop cringing at the sight of her name, already!
Background Pony #8CD4
Merriwether probably won’t ever live Mare Do Well down, and I could but won’t write in depth reasons why, but she’s had some good episodes too.
Background Pony #0A60
“Painfully obvius CGI”
Yeeah, sure. EVERYBODY knew wht “it looked different” the moment they just saw the timberwolves…
It’s good to have opinions, but not being a dick, OP.
Background Pony #B76F
People would take what you write seriously if you didn’t type like you live in a toilet.

aas for the story: the whole ragon code thing could’ve been done better. especially since we know spikE’s biggest fear is twilight leaving him and he was awfully fast to bugger off because of that code thing. the real problem though was how they finished the bosswolf and appearantly timberwolves are scary for the group of national heroes who stood up against the avatars of darkness and chaos…. not to forget all the other creatures like the dragon or the ursa

what if i tell you that a lot of the shots of the timberwolves in this ep would’ve looked worse if done in standart flash?
you probably wouldnt even think about it and keep going with the mindless “hurrr, cgi always ugly” crowd
Background Pony #1621
okay, this episode was bad. Why? Because it’s one of the oldest, overused plots ever, and she did NOTHING original with it. And why did they need CGI for those timberwolves? It was a time and money sink, and added nothing to the story.
Background Pony #1621
what else did merriweather williams write?
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

no, you don’t have any good reason to HATE her, you can dislike her episodes, but unless you know her personally and think she is a jerk, there is no reason to hate