Background Pony #507E
What the hell is wrong with you?
Rarity and Applejack were talking, apologizing. They just discussed, they said they were best friends. Where is the flirting?
I don’t care if it’s a boy or girl, if it’s a dog, if it’s not flirting, HOW IS A LOVING SCENE?
Do not be impertinent. Mature
Well, you’re assuming I’m homophobic without knowing anything about me. Does not that make you a person who exaggerates what you see?
The fact that I see them as friends does not mean that I am homophobic, genius.
Another thing, do you realize that the context for Flashlight and Timberlight is different? THEY WERE FLIRTIN! Especially Twilight and Timber. I don’t care if you say this like a joke, it’s so innecesary.