Psy Key
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

@The Smiling Pony  
To be fair, I don’t believe anyone here is actually defending nazis. I believe what these individuals are pointing out is that communists have been more numerous and, kill for kill, more murderous. I’m not denying that the nazis were terrible, but I also know that they’re not around anymore. At least, not prominently. There comes a point when numbers are considered inconsequential when paired against opposition. It’s like adding salt and sugar to food. At some point, one or the other will become indistinguishable in the dish, should one be added more than the other.
It’s the same thing as not being scared of the aztecs anymore, even though what they did was absolutely psychopathic. They don’t exist anymore, being the Spanish slaughtered them. We brought the nazis to their knees.
I think it is completely nonsensical to be afraid of an enemy that no longer exists. If they were still around, in prominent numbers, then I have a reason to at the very least be cautious. Though, I’m quite sure we’d just be at war with them. If they’re within normal society, that just get outright ignored or crap thrown at them.
If you want to see me congratulate the other enemy, then I must say that I find the effectiveness of the soviet soldiers to be incredibly fierce. I acknowledge that the enemy had some good points, because you must know your enemy in order to defeat them.
The Smiling Pony
Celestial Glory - Helped others get their OC into the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Nightmare in the Moon - Had their OC in the 2024 Derpibooru Collab.
Pixel Perfection - I still call her Lightning Bolt
Silly Pony - Celebrated the 13th anniversary of MLP:FIM, and 40 years of MLP!
Shimmering Smile - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of Equestria Girls!
Solar Hero - Went above and beyond for the Solar Deity, drawing from the power of the sun itself to bring balance to the fight against the Lunar Insurrection (April Fools 2023).
Roseluck - Had their OC in the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
Flower Trio - Helped others get their OC into the 2023 Derpibooru Collab.
King Sombra - Celebrated the 10th anniversary of The Crystal Empire!
A Lovely Nightmare Night - Celebrated the 12th anniversary of MLP:FIM!

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° )
Accusing any politician in the US of being socialist, let alone communist, is enough to kill their career. Nevermind how they’re joke parties everywhere else (that they’re even allowed to exist), the 30 years of persecution, defamation, and incarceration of anyone suspected of being a commie, and how in popular media they’ve been and still are practically always “the bad guy”.
Listen, Nazis purposefully selected several races and cultures for extermination, and went through with it (nevermind gays and invalids and all that); commies did a lot of bad via being be cold or just fuckups just because they lasted longer, but they’re not close to the indisputable pure evil that nazis were.
The whole “but what about commies?” whenever people shit on nazis reeks of defending nazis and/or shitposting and nothing else. There is no double standard; it’s like whining about how no one’s talking about how bad HIV is when people are discussing pancreatic cancer.
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forgets everything
@Background Pony #A87F  
Because they’re pointing out a double standard. Communism killed far more people than Nazism ever did, yet communism is absolved.
Background Pony #06D1
And? If they hate both so much then why do they only complain about “them commies” on an image that has nothing to do with them?
NVidia Card
Condensed Milk - State-Approved Compensation

Salty comment section XD
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forgets everything
@Background Pony #A87F  
Strawman harder. Most people hate both.
Background Pony #06D1
Some stupid rando: Nazis are bad.
Fucking geniuses on Derpibooru: HOW CAN YOU SAY NAZIS ARE BAD WHEN COMMUNISM???11!
Sound Mind

@Psy Key  
I’m in total agreement with you, friend. Black History Month is an utterly pointless way to pander to a demographic that by and large would not give half of a shit about the history being taught without it being isolated and set off by itself for a single month. And of course for those that seek to find a place they can stick the narrow part of the wedge and force division and turmoil.
You and I stand on the same side of gthe fence; race is a pointless thing that should have almost no barring on how you live your life outside of medical treatments you may need. and the sooner humanity gets over the trite talking point of racial divide, the sooner that we as a species can get on with doing things that actually matter, like exploring the cosmos.
Psy Key
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

@Background Pony #2166  
Your argument doesn’t hold any water because you can have traditions and culture without race being a player in such things. It matters more about where you live and what you do rather than the color of your skin. The factor you’re focusing on is that before the world became fairly mixed, most races were just tribes, or groups of tribes, slowly building into civilizations, or falling to ruin. Most of these were consisting only of their own race, and thus it can easily be seen as race being tradition.
But this has a major flaw regarding current years. We’re mixed. The world is mixed. Huddling into groups surrounded by race as an ideology or playing factor is what started the nazis, some of the most hated individuals in history despite being rather tame in comparison to the demon that is communism and power-hungry individuals. They are hated because of their irrational hatred for other races than the German race. They are hated because they blamed ideologies like Judaism because someone had to take the blame, and it’s easy to fool the public when there’s too much trust in a weak government.
Race and the focus upon it only drives people further apart. I don’t find anyone’s race matters to the extent of any social standing. You have just as many rights as me, a white male that is simultaneously seen as the pinnacle of society and a demon by those that seek to segregate and protect because apparently other races need the bar lowered to succeed.
If I were to make that argument, the Asians are the superior race. They have better education practices and test scores. Their drive in the workplace is nearly unmatched, and the discipline they acquire at a young age shows determination later in life, and drives the individual to the finish line when others slow down and give up.
That argument is based on true statistics, but what it lacks is understanding. Again, I ask you, why is race something so important to you? And if it is, are you willing to die for it? Do you not understand how terribly incompetent you sound if you agree with that?
You and your race focus is forever condemned by me, and I will see you as less capable in society for your lack of understanding and bullheadedness. I will die for a country, and the freedom of a nation. Not a race of people that is no more scorned than any other.

@Psy Key
Police Unions have unfortunately rigged the system so hard that Dumb Cops are coddled and it seems to take an genuine Act of God to actually see a Dirty Cop put in prison for their crimes. Too many departments half-ass their firearms training and some of the stories I’ve heard (on right-wing 2nd amendment boards no less) in that regard are frightening. Police Officers who are fired for incompetence aren’t prevented from getting another badge in another department; there needs to be some sort of blacklist database that prevents that. We’re already starting to see how body cams can catch idiot detectives planting drugs. Hiring standards should be raised and include the sort of in-depth psychological testing that FBI/military applicants have to take. Etc. The real only difference between then & now is that everyone has a smartphone.
Its like the problems with other powerful entrenched unions…..except these guys have a License to Kill and the diehard political support of the Right.
imho you should be held to a higher standard as a Police Officer. ‘Who Watches the Watchmen’ and such. I like how in Judge Dredd, where Corrupt Judges are shipped off to a harsh penal colony on the moon of Titan.
If Lon Horiuchi was a local beat cop instead of a FBI agent, he’d have conservatives blessing to blow the head off of Randy Weaver’s wife i guess shrugs
Background Pony #4009
@Psy Key
>Why not have an american history month
At the time of Negro History Week’s launch, Woodson contended that the teaching of black history was essential to ensure the physical and intellectual survival of the race within broader society:
If a race has no history, it has no worthwhile tradition, it becomes a negligible factor in the thought of the world, and it stands in danger of being exterminated. The American Indian left no continuous record. He did not appreciate the value of tradition; and where is he today? The Hebrew keenly appreciated the value of tradition, as is attested by the Bible itself. In spite of worldwide persecution, therefore, he is a great factor in our civilization.”
Psy Key
Equality - In our state, we do not stand out.
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2018) - Celebrated Derpibooru's six year anniversary with friends.

@Sound Mind  
My question is simply, why care about race enough to give special privileges? We have Black History Month here in the US and I find it simply deplorable because black history is american history. Why not have an american history month, where we celebrate the accomplishments America has shown to itself, such as improving human rights?
As far as I’m concerned, your race shouldn’t matter on anything but medical documents. Your skin color should only matter when cosmetics are at play, such as make-up, tights, bandages, all of which are completely by choice and you can choose to not get the skin tone which would match yours. Whatever suits your fancy.
Why in society do we make race such an important matter as to celebrate it when the one thing we want to do is to stop racism as much as possible? We need to stop talking about race if we want to stop racism. It works for every topic. As soon as something stops being talked about, you effectively stop any sort of related content.
Sound Mind

As much as it is the nature of humanity to give into this unyielding cycle of self-destruction, it is also within human nature to go against nature’s edicts. It is that defiance that may one day be our final undoing, but it may also be hte thing that helps us step beyond the pettiness of things like race and work towards something greater.

Ruwa is best waifu.
That actually makes sense. Freedom of association. If you don’t like someone, you should be free to stay away from them.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) - Took part in the 2020 Community Collab
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forgets everything
@Sound Mind  
That doesn’t make much sense, no offence. If you know it’s the eternal cycle of humanity, what do you possibly have to gain by attempting to defy this eternal cycle that cannot be thwarted? Wouldn’t it make more sense for different types of people to just stay away from each other instead of trying to coexist?
Sound Mind

Oh, you aren’t wrong. This is the eternal cycle of humanity. To take fire and steel to one another or even the pettiest or reasons. But it’s nice to try and hope for something better, isn’t it?

Ruwa is best waifu.
Probably only in self defense. I would gladly fill an attacker with lead, but I would rather just spend time with my family.
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forgets everything
@Sound Mind  
I disagree. I think people would just get bored and invent other reasons to hurt each other.
Sound Mind

If people sought calm lives, the world would be a much happier place all around.

Ruwa is best waifu.
@Sound Mind  
I sincerely just want to move on with my life and never deal with any side. Get married with a woman I love and live a peaceful life. I guess if people sought calm lives for themselves it would be better.
Sound Mind

Oh, I never claimed to be a fan of either. I’m just stating a simple mattewr of their general tactics.  
The left cries about a problem till it gets its way, screeching about victimhood as they punch down on those they themselves smother under their nonsense.  
The right favors rage in the face of things they don’t like, martialing their fury and stomping out their problems nad any that isn’t directly beside them in lock-step.
They’re both horrid at their most extremes. But at the ment, the topic of discussion is the Left’s gang of blundering soy Boys and overgrown children who desperately want to be revolutionaries, even if they have to me up a cause for the revolution to start.
I won’t lie, some part of me wants to see them get their revolution, just so I can see them with their frail bodies thrown against the wall, the gun they loaded held by a true Facist as their endless crying is finally silenced.

Ruwa is best waifu.
@Sound Mind  
Nah. If you ask me I am not fond of any extreme side when they go authoritarian. When they favor freedom, well, generally they don’t act much different. The left is more naive when in favor of freedom though, and generally they get attacked by their authoritarian peers and forced into submission.
Sound Mind

Of course. Who else woudl I mean?  
The Left Cries when they’re upset.  
The Right gets Mad.
And getting Mad sometimes gets something done.

Awww, thanks bby 😘.