Never fear, SPB! I know how to fix your Pinkie Pie. Your Surprise Pie needs words, like these right here! Gotta have this one and this one and this-a-this-a-this one.
I’d be less worried about her intentionally shaking the foals and more worried about her using dangerous and complex magic to try and make the foalsitting easier.
“Maybe I could brainwash them into eating their peas. I mean, sure, that didn’t work very well last time, but they won’t eat them and they do have to get their Vitamin B somehow, right?”
Pinkie Pie V6.2 has had a fatal error.
Reboot system? WARNING: This will erase memories,
emotions and free will, as well as the ability
to not burn cakes if she had the chance.
[yes] [no] [cancel]
@TheOtherPinkiePie Hey, this is a good idea to take advantage of her broken mental state.
Hey TOPP, could you go into the kitchen and bake cake? I want to make an embarrassing recording of you and put it on YouTube. It’ll be completely okay because you probably won’t remember most of it. Do EAM’s bidding immediately.