@Vinyl Fluff
You’re right, yeah, but like you say, let’s hope. At the very least Hasbro might be concerned about their most prominent creation possibly being misrepresented.
@Vinyl Fluff
Plus, D&D is something Hasbro owns. At least that means they should be able to get the references right.
While Hasbro owns Wizards of the Coast, which owns the D&D brand, they don’t write the scripts. Hasbro is given way too much credit in the show’s production. They cut checks, sometimes suggest things, sometimes outright demand them (like product tie-ins, new princesses) and have oversight of the scripts with approval/veto powers. But it’s DHX Media who writes them.
So let’s hope there are plenty of D&D or other P&P players on the staff so we get plenty of good, correct references.
Definitely wasn’t expecting that. If they’re going for an episode focusing on male characters this time around, I do hope that Sunburst, Thunderlane, and/or Soarin also get involved in Discord’s game. That would be enjoyable to watch.
Why would they reference video games when the title is a play on a tabletop RPG?
Yeah I think too many people are assuming it’s going to be <Insert big RPG they know here>, when the title gives it away. It’s Dungeons & Dragons. You don’t get bigger than that. All modern RPGs crib or outright copy it in some form or fashion.
Skyrim is overrated shit, Morrowind was far better in everything, but todays casual kids didn’t even heard about it and see Skyrim as the first and only part of the series, and the ones that actually did never get farther than Seyda Neen.