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Size: 3000x1289 | Tagged: safe, coloratura, gimme moore, kevin, sapphire joy, spike, spitfire, sugar belle, changeling, crystal pony, griffon, pony, g4, meme, op is a duck
Background Pony #2E49
-If you pick an Earth Pony…well, you’re kind of limited. Life won’t be much different other than the lack of fingers.  
What? Don’t look at me like that. You know we all love our mud ponies in the show, but would you really pass up all sort of special abilities in favor of being just a regular little horse that has to pick up stuff with his/her mouth?  
(Not counting those times when the show gives them all sticky hooves when its necesary/convenient for the plot.)
-If you pick a Pegasus, you can fly. Now obviously that’s awesome and one of humanity’s greatest dreams since always…but there’s really not much more than that. It’ll be awesome for a few hours where you’ll probably fly around at max speeds to live the dream, but once the initial excitement passes you’ll realize you just picked a pair of wings in a world with creatures that can do so much more.  
Also, don’t forget that most Pagasi can’t do what RD can do. Not even come close. She’s apparently a very special exception (like Twi and Starlight among Unicorns), and the Wonderbolts (who always look much less impressive than her) are a much better representation of what the greatest and most-highly trained Pegasi can do. Just a remainder that just because you have wings, you won’t be a super hero. A Pegasus is just a little horse with wings.
-Now Unicorns initially seem like the best choice among ponies (and they probably are), but OP was spot on by specifying that you’re just a regular unicorn. Not a special cookie like Twi, Starlight or Sunset who are all very, VERY rare cases and not a realistic representation of an MLP unicorn.
You can levitate stuff, so mundane everyday chores are much easier, but your weight limit is nowhere near what Twilight has displayed at any given time. You can mostly lift stuff you could lift with your own arms/hooves. You also can’t shoot beams, teleport or create barriers either. You only get this lightweight telekinesis and a unique, special ability depending on your talent, which could be either something truly impressive (like Shining Armor’s ability to create barriers stronger than Celestia’s or Luna’s) or something simpler for your personal convenience (Rarity’s ability to track gemstones, a voice-amplifier spell if you’re a singer, etc). No super heroes here either.
-What about Crystal Ponies? Well, I haven’t read much of the comics so I don’t know if I’m missing something but as far as I know they’re just shiny earth ponies that live in the Crystal Kingdom. If I’m missing something let me know, but I think that’s about it. If you want to look the pretiest among all pony races, then I guess this one’s for you, but not much more to say about them, right?
-Griffins. What can we say about Griffins? You get flight, you get sharp talons and a sharp break. From what we’ve seen they can fly as fast as a Pegasus in similar conditions, but have an advantage in very specific situations like canyons with high-velocity winds, where Pegasi are helpless against the currents and can’t fly, while Griffins can use their claws to climb up or down no problem. Said claws can also be used to grab stuff, while Pegasi are normally in the same boat as Earth Ponies and have to use their mouths. Though I think I’ve seem them use their wings like hands a couple of times, it doesn’t seem that comfortable and/or consistent.  
Now on the other hand, Griffin society apparently sucks. This may change in the future thanks to RD and Pinkie, but right now living as a Griffin among Griffins seems like a bad deal compared to pony society (except for that whole butt-tattoo deciding your fate, but anyways). Of course, there’s always the choice to just ditch the Griffon Country and live with ponies. Though even if you’re going to be accepted, you’ll always be sort of an outcast.
-And now, Baby Dragons. Oooh boy, where to start. Dragonshy told us their naps can last 100 years, so they most likely live a ridiculously long time (which is good and bad), which in turn makes it possible that they also take a long time to develop. So you’ll be facing the possibility of looking like a toddler for several centuries (maybe millenia) and if you live with ponies, you’ll spend all that time being friends with beings that will quickly age and die around you, while you stay the same. Yes, in a realistic scenario, Spike’s got rough times ahead of him.
However, the other option is living among dragons, which from what we’ve seen is…not the best choice you could make. An entire race of self-entitled jerks who care about nothing but themselves, hurt others without remorse, and eventually grow large enough to stop caring about social graces at all, preffering to live an isolated life of selfishness, violence and terrorizing & plundering. Earning the reputation so many fairy tales have given them…  
…I’m sure there are quite a few people who are into that.
On the bright side, you get the greatest set of natural abilities/powers among any race. By far.  
For starters, even though it’ll most likely take an insane amount of time, you’ll eventually grow larger than a building and more powerful than an entire army of any of the other races.  
You’re also extremely resistant to all damage because of your legendary tough scales, your claws are super sharp and will eventually grow larger than swords/spears, your fangs are apparently indestructible even as a child since you can chomp on diamonds like they were candy, and you can breathe fire which, at least as a baby, seems to range between mostly harmless and capable of melting iron in a couple of seconds (which is insane) depending on the situation (or maybe your own choice, who knows) and only gets stronger as you grow. Also, at least in most cases, you’ll get wings as well. And while you’ll most likely not be as fast as a particularly fast Pegasus, you’ll be more of a “power type” flier, able to travel through wind currents that Pegasi wouldn’t be able to whitstand.  
And just like Griffins, you can also use your claws to climb instead. So yes, this is where you get to be “super hero” (eventually…in the distant future) just by virtue of being you.
However, all these great advantages come at a great price. You’ll no longer be able to live among the other races like one of them. Best possible scenario has you living near a friendly community who still consider you as a friend but can no longer invite you to all their social conventions because your immense size makes it impossible for you to fit in any of their structures and/or your appereace could and will scare anyone not accustomed to your presence or the fact that you’re friendly and won’t try to eat them as soon as they turn their backs. Worst case scenario, you’ll start being seen as a monster both due to your increasing size and dangerous appereance. Your friends will be too scared to keep hanging around you or being criticized for being friends with a “monster”.
Yes people, the more I think about it, the more I wish there’s a spell that can allow Spike to take pony form once he grows up, because considering his social personality, I think not being able to fit in houses and hang around ponies will be the worst thing that can happen to him. And it will happen, eventually :(
Finally, Changelings. Here’s a difficult one. Sure the ability to morph into other creatures (though apparently restricted to your own overall size) is pretty sweet and incredibly convenient. In fact, its probably the most useful for anything other than combat situations, but think that just like the OP stated, you have to be subservient to a Changeling Queen. Now again, I haven’t read much of the comics, but from what I’ve seen, Chrysalis doesn’t seem to hold individual members of her colony in very high regard, and even seems them as disposable most of the time, since there will always be more to replace them.  
So yes, you get a cool shapeshifting ability (as well as the ability to fly) but have to live your life as just another drone, serving something larger and more important than your insignificant, individual life, and being willing to throw said life away on a whim if it benefits said higher purpose. You are just one more number in an easily-replaceable swarm.
That being said, we saw there was a Changeling in Cranky’s wedding, so maybe (just maybe if this wasn’t just a one-time joke) it means that some Changeling scan escape this cycle and be “free” of their colonies. Though even then they’ll have a hard time living among other races due to being well-known for their prasitic necesity to feed on other’s love (which considerably weakens the victim). So the most realistic outcome would be living their entire lives in the form of a member of another species, finding a life partner and somehow convincing him/her that they just caught some weird desease that leaves them a bit weak on certain ocassions. I’ll leave it up to you to decide whether you’ll like that or not.
Well, those are my thoughts on each of them. What do you guys think? This is a pretty interesting topic for me, and would actually like it to be more popular.

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