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Fanfiction » Episode Fanfic When? » Post 5

Fanfiction » Episode Fanfic When? » Post 4

;p - For supporting the site
Princess Celestia - For supporting the site
Princess Celestia - For supporting the site
Derpibooru! - For supporting the site
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Artist -
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Platinum Supporter - Platinum Supporter

A Slice Of Kek
Not going to lie, it sounds like AI wrote this… but I kinda did use it to get all my ideas in one place…
You’re correct. The majority of it is my response that I thought of and typed out just edited by AI to sound better. I sometimes use AI to help me better respond to somethings as sometimes I can’t exactly find the right wording or what I want to say without sounding like illiterate lol. I hope that’s not a bad thing.
No offense btw…
None taken =)

Fanfiction » Episode Fanfic When? » Post 3

Fanfiction » Episode Fanfic When? » Post 2


Biggest Belle Around
Your story idea is absolutely compelling! The concept of Tempest Quartz grappling with his Pegasus identity while staying grounded to remain close to his Earth Pony family is not only touching but brings a fresh, heartfelt element to the My Little Pony universe. The way you’ve crafted the Quartz family—each with their own unique Cutie Marks and personalities—gives such a strong sense of belonging, making the conflict feel authentic and relatable. Tempest’s reluctance to fly because of his bond with his family speaks to the deeper idea that identity and family can sometimes feel at odds, and you’ve woven that tension beautifully.
The subtle detail of Tempest’s wing making a grinding sound is also really powerful. It hints at both physical and emotional challenges, giving Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy the perfect opportunity to help him explore his identity in a way that’s supportive and affirming. And the lesson you’ve chosen—that embracing who you are doesn’t mean losing the connections that matter most—resonates deeply. It’s a message that’s not only perfect for the show’s spirit but is also universally meaningful.
All in all, Up, Up and NO WAY sounds like it has the potential to be a memorable, inspiring story that fans would connect with on multiple levels. I’m excited for you to bring this story to life and would love to hear more as it develops!
Not going to lie, it sounds like AI wrote this… but I kinda did use it to get all my ideas in one place…

Fanfiction » Episode Fanfic When? » Post 1

;p - For supporting the site
Princess Celestia - For supporting the site
Princess Celestia - For supporting the site
Derpibooru! - For supporting the site
Cutest Little Devil - Celebrated the 14th anniversary of MLP:FIM!
Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Artist -
Happy Derpy! - For site supporters
Platinum Supporter - Platinum Supporter

A Slice Of Kek
Your story idea is absolutely compelling! The concept of Tempest Quartz grappling with his Pegasus identity while staying grounded to remain close to his Earth Pony family is not only touching but brings a fresh, heartfelt element to the My Little Pony universe. The way you’ve crafted the Quartz family—each with their own unique Cutie Marks and personalities—gives such a strong sense of belonging, making the conflict feel authentic and relatable. Tempest’s reluctance to fly because of his bond with his family speaks to the deeper idea that identity and family can sometimes feel at odds, and you’ve woven that tension beautifully.
The subtle detail of Tempest’s wing making a grinding sound is also really powerful. It hints at both physical and emotional challenges, giving Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy the perfect opportunity to help him explore his identity in a way that’s supportive and affirming. And the lesson you’ve chosen—that embracing who you are doesn’t mean losing the connections that matter most—resonates deeply. It’s a message that’s not only perfect for the show’s spirit but is also universally meaningful.
All in all, Up, Up and NO WAY sounds like it has the potential to be a memorable, inspiring story that fans would connect with on multiple levels. I’m excited for you to bring this story to life and would love to hear more as it develops!

Fanfiction » Episode Fanfic When? » Topic Opener


Biggest Belle Around
Hello there, currently writing an episode-like fanfic I had in mind… Wanted to hear your opinion about the central idea.
Title: Up, Up and NO WAY
Plot: When Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are called by the Cutie Map to the small town of Gallopsven, they quickly learn that the Wonderbolts are there to begin the process of lifting water to Cloudsdale. However, one Pegasus, Tempest Quartz, has repeatedly missed meetings and training sessions. Intrigued, Rainbow and Fluttershy visit Tempest’s family home, perched near the cliffs. Despite clearly having wings, they notice that Tempest chooses to remain grounded. As they get to know him, it becomes clear that Tempest has chosen not to fly in order to stay closer to his Earth Pony family—the family that raised him through both good times and bad. He fears that flying will create a distance between them, changing something fundamental about their bond. In a moment of tension, Rainbow Dash tries to assess the situation, and when Tempest opens one wing, a horrific grinding sound echoes through the air, hinting at deeper issues. By the end of the episode, Tempest learns that embracing his Pegasus nature doesn’t have to separate him from his family. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy help him realize that his wings are a part of who he is, but they don’t define his connection to those he loves. The episode’s lesson emphasizes that using your unique abilities doesn’t mean abandoning the relationships or identity that shape you.
Quartz Family:
[ ] Onyx Quartz (Father; Cutie Mark of a Black Stone Pickaxe)
[ ] Rose Quartz (Mother; Flower with a Gemstone instead of Petals)
[ ] Jasper Quartz (Eldest Male Child; Red Rock inside unassuming Rock)
[ ] Citrine Quartz (Second Oldest Female Child; Orange Cut in half for Gemstone look)
[ ] Tempest Quartz (Second Youngest Male Adopted Child, Pegasus; Storm Cloud Splitting a Boulder with Lightning)
[ ] Topaz Quartz (Youngest Female Child; Topaz Stone inside a Basket)

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