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Pony Discussion » I need advice about MLP part 11 (Ocellus, Pharynx and Thorax) » Topic Opener


We are now doing 3 characters at a time.  So Ocellus, Pharynx and Thorax are next up. Before we start, I want to make this clear. 
What are each of their likes, dislikes, personality, skills and abilities? Because their redesigns come with bio.
If Ocellus, Pharynx and Thorax had proper hair, What would each hair look like? Is there a hairstyle in this selection that suits any of em?
If they were anthro, What do their bodies look like? How wide are the hips? Jacked or slim or standard? And how straight
are the shoulders? Here’s a selection of bodyshapes. You can pick which N would suit Ocellus, Pharynx and Thorax each.
I can make a male version of a female N, A female version of a male N and make a younger version of the Ns picked for these characters. But only if picked and suits the character picked for.
Ocellus, Pharynx and Thorax wear human or anthro…
What would each of them have as casual wear?
What would each of them have as Winter wear?
And what would each of them have as rain wear?
And what do their boot soles look like?
I wanted to change some things about the changelings themselves as a civilization. The Changelings are still themselves, Personality and interests intact. However, I might need to make 2 changes to their whole race. One change is that they can still shapeshift, that power is limited. They can not disguise themselves as other races or individuals. Instead, they can modify their bodies on the fly for the situation at hand like Ironman’s suit in the 2nd season of his 90’s cartoon. For Example, If the Changeling needs to go for a swim, It can morph its  feet  to have flippers and its hands to have whatever gillyweed gave Harry potter’s hands. But it can’t grow gills. If it needs to climb a tree, it can grow long sharp fingers to do it. And if they’re needed for surgery, They can do whatever (J’onn J’onzz did in Justice League Doom.) The other change I would make is that instead of bug anthros, They’re instead Snake anthros. Because lizards are more common with Shapeshifting than bugs. I guess that’s how Reptile is what he is in MK11. I know it’s different to MLPFIM. But at least they would have less in common with D’vorah from MKX and MK11 than they would otherwise if this concept comes to pass. Now I don’t want to be unfair to D’vorah, But I get why she sucks. They try and make her impressive by her doing amazing feats. But it backfired with hate from the fans. She was the one to take out Mileena when it should have been either Kotal or Kitana, and was also the one to take out Scorpoin when it should have been Noob Saibot. And she didn’t get killed for siding with immoral jerks at all. But where did the Changelings live in the MLPFIM series? What was their culture like when under Thorax’s leadership? Everything else about them can stay the same if you feel me in here about this sort of info.
That’s all of the questions about Ocellus, Pharynx and Thorax. Hope your willing to reply.

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