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Pony Discussion » I need advice about MLP part 9 (Ember and Torch) » Topic Opener


I’m pairing Ember and Torch together because Ember is Torch’s daughter while Torch is Ember’s father. There are people out there who also know them well too.
How old are each of these 2? And how slow do dragons age compared to humans and ponies?
What are each of their likes, dislikes, personality, skills and abilities? Because their redesigns come with bio.
I don’t want them to be forced to have mohawks all the time. So I seek to give a hairstyle each to Ember and Torch. So if these 2 had hairs like that of a human, what would each look like. Which hairstyle would suit Ember? And which would suit Torch. Would Torch even be bold? If so, I suspect it would trigger that meme that came from the first SpongeBob movie.
If they were anthro, What do their bodies look like? How wide are the hips? Jacked or slim or standard? And how straight are the shoulders? Here’s a selection of bodyshapes. You can pick which N would suit Ember and which suits Torch.
I can make a male version of a female N, A female version of a male N and make younger versions of the Ns picked for these characters. But only if picked and suits the character picked for.
And should I give them any prosthetics like what Bucky had for an arm?
How should I draw their teeth when in the show, Some of their teeth can be seen from outside of the mouth? What mouth on this selection would suit each of these 2 siblings most?
If Ember and Torch wear human or anthro…
Then what would Ember and Torch most prefer as casual wear which they’d wear when in pony or human territory?
What would Ember and Torch each wear as rain wear? Hats or hood? Poncho or coat?
And what would Ember and Torch wear when it’s snowy?
Dragons in my AU are sort of a warrior culture. So they have a habit of making sure their young each have a personal weapon of his or her own, Just in case someone with access to magic acts like Quan Chi, Or Shang Tsung. Both Ember and Torch would have each too since they’re not just dragons, But live among dragons. I provided a link to a selection of concepts of what the weapon can look like. You can even mix some Ns together to make a weapon. But I’ll only if it’s a weapon Ember and Torch would prefer each.
I suspect Ember would choose a bladed staff while Torch would choose a big single axe like General Shao. But I’m I right?
Mission outfit
In Storm Hawks, The crew have these outfits that were like bodysuits. When they were hanging out at their mobile base or just walking on the streets seeing the locals there, Their armoured parts were off because they went on a mission at the time. And when they were, The armoured platelets were on. Dragons have a part of their culture that’s a bit like that. Normal clothes can’t survive in the Dragon Lands with its heat and lava and volcanoes. So they wear these bodysuits which are made of a fireproof material. Its armoured plates are off when they are not taking part in battles and missions but instead hanging out in the dragon lands. And when they are taking part in battles and missions. I want to give these 2 siblings each 1 of his and her own. But I want to make sure it’s how each would prefer. So does 1 have a hood? Is 1 sleeveless or does 1 have sleeves? And how much Armor would 1 have? Would 1 have quite little Armor plates so 1 a bit like the purple and black bodysuit Rogue had in Sonic Prime? Would 1 have a bit more armoured plates like the Storm Hawks themselves? would 1 have plenty of pads and seem like what Kain wore in Blood Omen. Here are some concepts which are mostly Ns I made. You can gather and mix Ns to make Their Mission outfits. But this isn’t about what you or me prefer. It’s about what Ember and Torch would prefer. So what would Ember and Torch prefer his Mission outfit to be like each?
I think the MLPFIM series already gave some clue of what Ember’s coat look like. But Torch’s had less clothing, So it doesn’t count. Could you pick parts for his? And remember, They for anthro form
In my AU, there is a certain part of Dragon culture. Not only do they try to be the most battle ready race, but they got the habit of wearing fireproof boots like this was some sort of volcano and fire wild west. The boots usually are material on the outside like modern day cowboy boots. The material they’re made of is a fireproof rubber made from volcanic rock. that makes the material thick enough that it’s durable like the boots have armour inside them. And they are fireproof and lava proof due to being made of volcanic rock from the volcanos that ooze out real larva. Lastly, they each have an armoured plate on each back heel like a boot spur to simplify the boots of a dragon. These boots are a part of dragon culture itself. A dragon usually has 2 types of boots. 1 is for casual wear that is not the Dragon lands but pairs with normal clothes like jumpers, T-shirts and jeans. The other type is for a fireproof outfit a dragon usually wears because it might be the only clothing that can survive places like volcanos. They’re usually bigger because they are part of combat wear dragons wear when on missions and at battle.
Which of these would make part of their boot spur for both types of pairs each?
How high are the heals for each of these 2 dragons?
Would each of their boots have a style pattern to make it look better?
How long are each other their boots?
Do the mission wear boots have knee Armor on them?
And would either or only the combat ready pair have front metal padding as well, or only the “Spurs” on the back heals?
I want to know what Ember and Torch would prefer for both types. So any suggestions? Please? And remember. I need 2 different design ideas for Ember’s and Torch’s boots. 1 for when they’re in casual wear or in pony or human territory. And the other for when he’s on missions or in battle.
And that’s Ember and Torch covered. Hope you give answers to this as well.

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