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Pony Discussion » I need advice about MLP part 5 (Twilight Sparkle) » Topic Opener


Now we reached Twilight Sparkle who is my 2nd favourite. I bet a lot of people are quite happy to finally reach her because she’s Twilight. And just so you know, I mean to ask what would be true to Twilight both as a Unicorn and Alicorn. They’re the same person. Not with the heads up out the way, We’ll start with…
Since I’m redesigning Twilight, She might need a bio. So I’ll need a list of her likes, dislikes, skills, personality and abilities. I came up with a few ideas. However, I’ll need to ask a few MLPFIM experts if any of them should be cut due to not being accurate to MLPFIM’s Twilight Sparkle himself. So any Suggestions to add, cut or are worth keeping?
Twilight Sparkle
Race: Pony (Astro Class Magic)
Alignment: Good Age: 15-17
Likes: Reading books. (as in the type school recommends like history, Myths, Legends and poetry. She also reads fiction) Making notes about what happens to and around her, Time with Spike, and time with her friends.
Dislikes: Things being disorganized and letting those close to her down.
Twilight is bright to the point that she’s 1 of the most skilled with magic in the series. I want to adapt that into a realistic setting. She can still be very skilled in magic, and quite powerful as a result. But not too powerful. I want to make sure she is powerful with magic, but not stupidly powerful. Because I want to do with her and other characters what the MCU did with Hulk and Thor. Tone down how stupidly powerful they are, so as to show what they would be like in real life. They’re still some of the more powerful characters though. So what powers can stay and which need to go if Twilight needs to fit in a realistic setting? If it helps you come up with any suggestions, Here are some abilities that can fit in a realistic setting.
If Twilight wears anthro or human….
What would Twilight wear as her casual wear?
What would Twilight wear as her rain wear?
And what would Twilight wear as her winter wear?
And how high would Twilight prefer her boots to be in each of these 3 sets?
And what do the boot soles look like?
Mission wear
Twilight often goes on amazing adventures with Spike and other main characters of the series. Useless to abolish colonialism which is a good thing because it’s colonialism. So if Twilight wear anthro, Would there be some sort of mission wear she’d have for when taking part in a battle? And is it like the outfit Rouge had in Sonic Prime? Or like what Chrom had in the fire emblem awakening? Or like what Mccree had in Overwatch 2? Or what like the 5 main mystic force rangers had? And how much armored padding? Not so much, Or a bit like what Kain had in Blood Omen? Here’s a link to a selection of other concepts you can use to make Twilight’s mission wear. But it needs to suit Twilight and be what she prefers.
Does she have any prosthetic limbs like metal arms?
Should I even give her glasses that were forced to her eyes to repair them like I did last time I tried to redesign her because her variant worn glasses?
Does she have braces? And I mean those which have no metal line that goes along each tooth in my designs. The only part of the brace is the metal parts at the middle of each tooth. So they don’t stand up too much I think. And some people who draw MLP characters even draw Twilight with them. So does that mean I should redesign Twilight with braces?
Does she have any physical scars on her body?
Does she wear glasses like her variant from that EQG series does?
And with that, One of MLP’s most beloved characters gets one of these as well. I hope you read this and have suggestions that you are willing to provide. And for what it’s worth, I wish you well.

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