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Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 43

Rainz Dropz 
Summer Beach Time!
When you put it into that context, it does feel it goes a bit far. However, the show really reinforced the point that Spike and Angel have quite a negative rift between them.
When you put it into that context, it does feel it goes a bit far. However, the show really reinforced the point that Spike and Angel have quite a negative rift between them.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 38

None dillettante
@Rainz Dropz
I don’t think discord choking angel bunny is very funny
I don’t think discord choking angel bunny is very funny
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 37

Rainz Dropz 
Summer Beach Time!
I can imagine Spike’s expression, because we know how much he *loves* Angel! O_O
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 32

None dillettante
@Background Pony #2236
Nothing about it having USED TO BE related to mlp is there when art is made tho, its not mlp art, and its not even horse art 90% of the time. They are their own characters, and even their own designs for species too, and non mlp designs is normally what wildman3s only issue is for you guys rn. Tfh the way that it is, is a series inspired by fim but is legally not that, and it being so not it that it’s legally seen as a separate thing is a very big distinction. But tell me what about it having been fim makes tfhs art related to fim? Wildmanes art has the same level of relation. Both are not mlp legally, but they both try in their own way to be an mlp clone. Tfh gives president to none hasbro pony shit being allowed if it’s straight inspired from it like both tfh and wildmanes clearly are
Nothing about it having USED TO BE related to mlp is there when art is made tho, its not mlp art, and its not even horse art 90% of the time. They are their own characters, and even their own designs for species too, and non mlp designs is normally what wildman3s only issue is for you guys rn. Tfh the way that it is, is a series inspired by fim but is legally not that, and it being so not it that it’s legally seen as a separate thing is a very big distinction. But tell me what about it having been fim makes tfhs art related to fim? Wildmanes art has the same level of relation. Both are not mlp legally, but they both try in their own way to be an mlp clone. Tfh gives president to none hasbro pony shit being allowed if it’s straight inspired from it like both tfh and wildmanes clearly are
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 31

Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 30

None dillettante
@Background Pony #2236
If the mods kept to this argument, and didn’t make shit up like the wild manes characters are anthros somehow I wouldn’t have an argument, but tbh tfh and the level of not pony anthro art alr3ady on the site makes this stupid.
Plus fimfiction had an article about wildmanes, as does equestria daily. In fact alot of other image sites are allowing it no problem, and instead of the staff here holding to the correct argument for this being
If the mods kept to this argument, and didn’t make shit up like the wild manes characters are anthros somehow I wouldn’t have an argument, but tbh tfh and the level of not pony anthro art alr3ady on the site makes this stupid.
Plus fimfiction had an article about wildmanes, as does equestria daily. In fact alot of other image sites are allowing it no problem, and instead of the staff here holding to the correct argument for this being
“Hey we can’t allow this it’s no different than spirit or any other show like that” they say this “well they are anthro furries so that’s why”
It’s obvious that this isn’t about rule 3, and is about mods not liking it and trying to make up more reason to not allow it despite them looking past things that make their arguments stupid and weirder than taking the actual argument they should be
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 29

None dillettante
@Background Pony #2236
Wild manes is made as a mlp clone show so it’s designs are paralleling fims making it more mlp related than tfh, and tfh may have once been mlp related. But got made to be legally not mlp, so tbh the reason for it being OK ar3 kinda retarded, and I can make anything and cause I’m a fan it should be allowed cause that’s the logic being used here
Wild manes is made as a mlp clone show so it’s designs are paralleling fims making it more mlp related than tfh, and tfh may have once been mlp related. But got made to be legally not mlp, so tbh the reason for it being OK ar3 kinda retarded, and I can make anything and cause I’m a fan it should be allowed cause that’s the logic being used here
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 28
Background Pony #2236
It’s not that it was made by mlp fans. It literally started as an mlp fan game It’s what happened to fighting is magic after the c&d.
Nothing suggests that wild manes started as an mlp project.
It’s not that it was made by mlp fans. It literally started as an mlp fan game It’s what happened to fighting is magic after the c&d.
Nothing suggests that wild manes started as an mlp project.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 27
Background Pony #E140
@Background Pony #B6C2
and also, midnight mares by C allen gann is not MLP-related either, as c allen Gann said in both of his Kickstarter videos, for midnight tmares inspired by both ancient mythology and personal observations of the brony community.
and also, midnight mares by C allen gann is not MLP-related either, as c allen Gann said in both of his Kickstarter videos, for midnight tmares inspired by both ancient mythology and personal observations of the brony community.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 26
Background Pony #E140
mlp, filly funtasia and wiled manes all have something that is not copyrighted. and that is the fact that you can’t copyright the idea of talking horses, and I’m pretty sure that talking horses have been around long before mlp.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 25
Background Pony #B6C2
I don’t see any argument you can make why it deserves special treatment over something less objectively [not pony related] like Filly Funtasia. Filly Funtasia was even more of a rip off of MLP being closer to it yet it’s pretty much banned here. So why should a new show that’s more [not pony related] get a free pass with ripping off MLP again?
I don’t see any argument you can make why it deserves special treatment over something less objectively [not pony related] like Filly Funtasia. Filly Funtasia was even more of a rip off of MLP being closer to it yet it’s pretty much banned here. So why should a new show that’s more [not pony related] get a free pass with ripping off MLP again?
You can like it and post it elsewhere.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 24


I regret opening this thread.
@Just Wayne
Agreed. A line’s gotta be drawn somewhere. I feel like the hype for Wild Manes won’t last, and then all we’ve done is set a precedent for anything horsey to be posted to Derpi. Maybe a better analogy here would be furry horse OCs, which are removed from the site.
Agreed. A line’s gotta be drawn somewhere. I feel like the hype for Wild Manes won’t last, and then all we’ve done is set a precedent for anything horsey to be posted to Derpi. Maybe a better analogy here would be furry horse OCs, which are removed from the site.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 23

Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 22


I miss Niko...
I don’t understand this obsession with Wild Manes, and it’s not like it’s completely banned. The mods are generous enough to leave some fanarts and a trailer on the site. Some of the art don’t even have any MLP characters in it. And even worse a game that’s been dead for 8 months is also being discussed. Them’s Fightin’ Herds is literally a game born out of a fan project where the developers are called Mane6. We’d rather accept a random show that just happens to feature horses as MLP content than a game dedicated to pony fans. Do we really even care about MLP? Do people reject G5 so much they’re desperate for anything just because horses are involved? Is Bojack Horseman related to MLP now too?
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 21

The Frowning Pony
13 blinks per minute
Can you like not wait a full week before rushing to condemnation or judgement.
Christ alive and bleeding on a stick. This shit is being discussed. Until then the current policy is in place (and may still be after).
Crap like this definitely doesn’t enthuse the staff that would be on the side of changing policy.
Yet again the virtues of patience or civil discourse remain a complete fantasy in the online world, much better to demand immediate results and hurl insults around.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 20

None dillettante
All arguments about this can be said about tfh and all the non pony oc stuff that clearly doesn’t fit the rules but you guys allow anyways. Not saying to remove those things at all, just saying it’s weird and makes you guys look like asses just a bit tbh
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 19

None dillettante
Literally them fighting herds exists because it’s legally not mlp, so saying wild manes isn’t legally mlp is bullshit what is the real reason not to let it on this site? It’s hypocritical to bend the rules for so much garbage but not let it for something when the reasoning isn’t followed anywhere else
Literally them fighting herds exists because it’s legally not mlp, so saying wild manes isn’t legally mlp is bullshit what is the real reason not to let it on this site? It’s hypocritical to bend the rules for so much garbage but not let it for something when the reasoning isn’t followed anywhere else
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 18

None dillettante
Tfh being made by old fans, and having lauren on it doesn’t make it my little pony at all. Also them fighting herds has non my little pony designs for species in mlp making it even more not my little pony. If all something needs is vague relation to mlp in completely autistic ways then wild manes being made as a literal knock off of mlp shouldn’t. The weirdest thing about all this is some people’s art arnt mlp. And their ocs arnt mlp, so oc art isn’t really mlp it’s just random horse(most of the time not eqg styled ocs or none mlp furries) art people make.
Tfh being made by old fans, and having lauren on it doesn’t make it my little pony at all. Also them fighting herds has non my little pony designs for species in mlp making it even more not my little pony. If all something needs is vague relation to mlp in completely autistic ways then wild manes being made as a literal knock off of mlp shouldn’t. The weirdest thing about all this is some people’s art arnt mlp. And their ocs arnt mlp, so oc art isn’t really mlp it’s just random horse(most of the time not eqg styled ocs or none mlp furries) art people make.
Crazy thing is most of the people that are gonna watch it will be fans from this fandom but that’s not good enough to say it’s mlp related, but if I went and drew an anthro shark oc you guys will defend that as mlp related somehow
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 17


Senior Moderator
@Background Pony #B6C2
Then make a new booru. This site isn’t named “friendship is magic”. Name it after a character in the show you like or something. Maybe their town, assuming they have one?
Then make a new booru. This site isn’t named “friendship is magic”. Name it after a character in the show you like or something. Maybe their town, assuming they have one?
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 16
Background Pony #B6C2
Manebooru is already taken by as a alternative ponybooru. Besides they don’t want to create a new community, they want to use the popularity of an established one while posting content that has nothing to do with it. That’s why you get posts of Wild Manes here not elsewhere as the altbooru scrapers just port over content down the grapevine.
Manebooru is already taken by as a alternative ponybooru. Besides they don’t want to create a new community, they want to use the popularity of an established one while posting content that has nothing to do with it. That’s why you get posts of Wild Manes here not elsewhere as the altbooru scrapers just port over content down the grapevine.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 15

remember horse
Honestly if people like Wild Manes so much, go make your own booru for it. Philomena is free and open-source to use and set up, and there’s The Booru Project too if you don’t feel like learning a new skill.
@Background Pony #6CD2
Plus, most of the Filly Funtasia images are MLP memes or MLP characters done in the Filly Funtasia style (or vice versa). Most of them aren’t solely Filly Funtasia.
Plus, most of the Filly Funtasia images are MLP memes or MLP characters done in the Filly Funtasia style (or vice versa). Most of them aren’t solely Filly Funtasia.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 14

The Frowning Pony
13 blinks per minute
Can you like not wait a full week before rushing to condemnation or judgement.
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 13

None dillettante
Rule 3 says if something is mlp related or related to the fandom, it’s mlp related through that wording of the rule 3 in that it’s a fandom interest. Fans are going to watch and make art and all other none mlp art on the site makes this whole issue stupid as fuck. People say it’s stealing from mlp and it definitely is inspired by it so doesn’t that make them jakks Pacifics ocs and the story no different from a fic using just ocs? No one questions last unicorn art, also I like tfh but it is a good point that that and many other horse media has always been fine.
If I draw a wild manes mare next to an mlp mare how is that gonna be handled? Cause this exists https://derpibooru.org/images/1637205?q=Homer+Simpson%2C+South+Park
Weird to allow this level of something so not mlp but not let wild manes here
Weird to allow this level of something so not mlp but not let wild manes here
Pony Discussion » why is Wild Manes content not allowed on Derpibooru? » Post 12
Background Pony #6CD2
@Background Pony #D901
Not to backseat mod, but TFH has already been addressed above multiple times. Funtasia barely has 100 images and the most recent was uploaded 7 months ago. You’re making mountains out of atomic molehills.
Not to backseat mod, but TFH has already been addressed above multiple times. Funtasia barely has 100 images and the most recent was uploaded 7 months ago. You’re making mountains out of atomic molehills.
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