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Art Chat » Ideas that You Just Can't Get Out of Your Head » Post 5

Magical Inkwell - Wrote MLP fanfiction consisting of at least around 1.5k words, and has a verified link to the platform of their choice
Artist -
Since the Beginning  -

This isn’t a specific idea so much as a jumble of recurring themes and fascinations for me.
The blurring of the lines between human and monster fascinates me, I like the idea of terrifying physical transformations into something utterly inhuman while at the same time I question why that necessitates abandoning all pretense of morality. If a human can be monstrous can a monster be humane?

Art Chat » Ideas that You Just Can't Get Out of Your Head » Post 4

Art Chat » Ideas that You Just Can't Get Out of Your Head » Post 3

And Brother I Hurt People
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
The 1% - Uploaded 1% or more of the site's images
Squirrel - "Is there a badge for being an oblivious fuck?"
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Thread Starter - /dis/the-cringe-thread
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

Nope, this one is extended to artwork, too (unless you consider fancomics fanfiction, which I really don’t).
Besides, the fanfiction thread is for just that: fanfiction. Some of us enjoy branching off into original work. That’s not to say that original ideas haven’t been posted in the fanfiction thread before, but it’s nice to have a place for them.
@Background Pony
That’s actually really nice. :O Maybe it could end with the ponies asking it to help bring on winter next year?

Art Chat » Ideas that You Just Can't Get Out of Your Head » Post 2

Art Chat » Ideas that You Just Can't Get Out of Your Head » Post 1

Background Pony #0D88
For ages I had this idea for a story that I never got around to writing and probably never will. It involves a monster called Groke from The Moomins, finding ponies in middle of winter wrap up.
The Groke is a lonely monster that freezes everything to death on touch and plant life close to it also withers due to the cold. It however isn’t really evil but just very lonely. It likes beutiful things like gems or sheasells and wants to collect or even steal them. It likes to try fun things like in one episode it wanted to really badly ride a horse made of snow when other characters told it that it could not. It mostly communicates by groaning and sometimes yelling from far away. All it really wants are friends but it can’t have any because it would end up freezing them without realizing it. This thing caused me and many others lot of nightmares during childhood.
So my idea for the story would be for this monster to stumble upon bunch of ponies having fun and singing while they are wrapping up winter. It would see them building nests for birds, ice skate on the lake and plant seeds on the ground. On night it would try to do these activities but end up undoing everything instead with its cold presence, freezing everything all over again and ruining the crops. This monster is a sad thing that cannot have friends despite it dearly wanting to and in my opinion would fit the theme of the show well.
I haven’t figured out how the story would end however. Would it be driven away? Would someone come to an understanding of this monsters dilemma yet still fail to help it? No matter what the ending would be, Groke would still end up being alone.

Art Chat » Ideas that You Just Can't Get Out of Your Head » Topic Opener

And Brother I Hurt People
Magnificent Metadata Maniac - #1 Assistant
The 1% - Uploaded 1% or more of the site's images
Squirrel - "Is there a badge for being an oblivious fuck?"
Perfect Pony Plot Provider - 10+ uploads with over 350 upvotes or more (Questionable/Explicit)
Thread Starter - /dis/the-cringe-thread
Fine Arts - Two hundred uploads with a score of over a hundred (Safe/Suggestive)

All artists, no matter the medium we practice in, suffer from one common issue: coming into contact with an idea that just won’t go away. Sometimes, what prevents us from using these ideas is that we’re convinced that they’re too stupid to work. And sometimes we’re so excited about them and need to tell someone else about them just to feel proud. I thought that this would be an appropriate thread for that. Post about any ideas that you currently have, whether it’s an idea for a story, artwork, etc.

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